Alan Belcher vs. Yushin Okami fight breakdown


Oct 5, 2010
Reaction score
Great fight now lets break this down

Striking.Alan will have the edge here Okami has good boxing and Alan doesn't have the best striking defense in the world but Alan is the better all around striker. Alan has very good kicks and Okami has had issues with kicks in the past (see Okami's fight with Sonnen for an example). Alan should be careful like I said before he doesn't have great defense and Okami has good boxing and if he doesn't watch out he may get hurt.

Wrestling.Big edge for Okami he has been one of the best wrestlers at MW for years and his TDD is over 80 percent plus he's also pretty good at getting take downs. Alan's biggest issue is his wrestling he has a hard time stopping TD's he is good on the ground (see Rousimar Palhares fight for example)but Okami isn't Rousimar Palhares and while Rousimar Palhares is a ADCC champ and better at subs then Okami Okami has better defense off his back and he's smarter on the ground then Palhares and he's harder to reverse so I don't see Alan doing to Okami what he did to Palhares on the ground if the fight goes to the ground Okami should have the edge.

Subs.Alan will have the edge for sure he has very good subs and Okami really doesn't sub anyone but I think Alan will have a hard time submitting Okami because Okami has very good TDD so I don't think Alan can take Okami down even if he wants to and Okami has very good sub defense and I can't think of anyone who's come close to submitting him in the ufc

What each fighter need to do to win

Alan will have to keep it on the feet because I don't think he can take Okami down and he doesn't want Okami on top of him so he should keep it standing and use his kicks to keep okami at distances and avoid the clinch where Okami gets a lot of TD's watch out for Okami's boxing and out strike Okami all night.

Okami needs to take the fight down he has good boxing but I don't think a lengthy stand up fight would go to well for Okami on the ground he has the wrestling and the sub defense to give Alan trouble and I don't think Alan can consistently stop Okami's TD's so I believe Okami can get it to the ground if he wants it there

My pick

I think for Alan to win he has to catch Okami I don't think he can win a three round fight because if he does hurt Okami and he doesn't finish him Okami will start looking for Td's like he did in his last fight.Alan needs to hurt Okami and finish him (like Tim Boetsch did)and he definitely has the skill to do so but what I think will happen is Okami will get hit a few times then he will take Alan down and do enough Lay n pay to get the win

My pick Okami by UD
He will touch Alan with teh jab and wrasslefuck to a decision victory.

Okami UD
Hoping Belcher wins this one, Yushin is a tough opponent.
So let me get this straight... Yushin on the ground cause he's an awesome wrestler but wait can you wrestle in Judo? Ah but Belcher w/the sub cuz he's not Paul Harris but Belcher better get him down cuz a lengthy stand up fight won't go good on the ground. Got it
So let me get this straight... Yushin on the ground cause he's an awesome wrestler but wait can you wrestle in Judo? Ah but Belcher w/the sub cuz he's not Paul Harris but Belcher better get him down cuz a lengthy stand up fight won't go good on the ground. Got it

Okami has better wrestling and Judo but Alan has better subs then Okami,I was saying the way Alan beat Paul Harris isn't the same way he'll beat Okami because Okami hi harder to get down then Paul Harris and Okami is harder to gnp then Paul Harris
alan will hurt him with leg kicks and take away okamis spring in his step
Belcher is gonna leg kick the shit out of okami, en route to another addition to his highlight reel
Belcher might have more submissions on his record, but I wouldn't call him a better submission fighter. My guess is very few, perhaps no submissions will be attempted.

Okami by decision.

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