Thinking about efedding some more. Efedding is also how I first learned html and photoshop so I could make my promotion's website look dope and I would make my promos look dope as fuck too lol instead of posting my promos in the thread, I would post a link to it and I had my promos on a Geocities page, I would have an emdedded real audio file so people could play my guys theme song, would have dope logos for my character that I made in photoshop lol, got to a point where everyone in my group would hit me up with logos.
That was a great time, but like some people said, that shit took a lot of fucking time. Efedded is pretty much what got me to stop being a massive dipshit criminal and straighten up. I stopped doing hoodrat shit with my friends to writing about pretend wrestlers on the internet. <Lmaoo>