acne and diet


White Belt
May 28, 2007
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are these to related? sorry if this is not really the kind of topic you guys tal about but i need some help. i have pretty bad skin and not really a good diet. Will cleaning up what i eat help with my skin do you guys think?
It can help but keep in mind your body might be predisposed to have acne too. Like if your skin a little oily by nature you have a better chance of developing acne even if you have a really well regimented diet. Try it, you've got nothing to lose by cleaning up your diet and if your acne goes away then bonus.
I also find that grappling in general worsens skin conditions. Especially Gi training.
A few weeks ago I went to florida and didn't do any grappling, just ran, and my skin was crystal clear. As soon as I got back in the gym, blemishes showed up.
One of my buddies had pretty severe acne until he cut out dairy and grains. It's amazing how clear his skin is now. He said that bread is the big culprit. Give this a try.
One of my buddies had pretty severe acne until he cut out dairy and grains. It's amazing how clear his skin is now. He said that bread is the big culprit. Give this a try.

That's true. Most people have a sinitivity to Wheat and Dairy and this casuses major skin problems along with other problems
I dont know about what Graver said, but staying well hydrated helps with freaking everything your body does...
skin stuff included.
so, drink more water!
So no milk and no bread/other products with grains?
I think I would die...
I'm actually thinking about giving up milk. I have been lactose intollerant my whole life, and never had acne. Then when I was 21 (about 8 months ago) I started taking a multi that made my lactose intollerance go away. As a result I started drinking a lot of milk. I also have mild acne now. I never really correlated the two (assumed it was higher test levels from working out). But the dairy theory sounds more plausable, especially considering I probably had higher test when I was a little younger.
I'm actually thinking about giving up milk. I have been lactose intollerant my whole life, and never had acne. Then when I was 21 (about 8 months ago) I started taking a multi that made my lactose intollerance go away. As a result I started drinking a lot of milk. I also have mild acne now. I never really correlated the two (assumed it was higher test levels from working out). But the dairy theory sounds more plausable, especially considering I probably had higher test when I was a little younger.

Are there any studies? I would give it a try when it's more than just speculations.
Are there any studies? I would give it a try when it's more than just speculations.

Why do I need studies to find something out that I could know for certain in less than a month? Only three things have changed since then.

1. I drink dairy
2. I lift weights
3. I don't eat fast food

Unless double-quarter pounders have anti acne medication in them it has to be 1 or 2. There is no way I'm going to stop lifting weights, so the only option is to stop drinking milk :D
Why do I need studies to find something out that I could know for certain in less than a month? Only three things have changed since then.

1. I drink dairy
2. I lift weights
3. I don't eat fast food

Unless double-quarter pounders have anti acne medication in them it has to be 1 or 2. There is no way I'm going to stop lifting weights, so the only option is to stop drinking milk :D

Yeah but it's not the same here. I may only have acne because of my age (19) and I drink milk since I can remember. (I'm not a native speaker, dairy is milk right?)

But ofc I would love to have a clean skin, my acne isn't really bad and a lot of people don't even notice, but I don't like it anyway ^^
In high school I had acne that was pretty bad. After trying every damn treatment out there, I finally said to hell with it and got Accutane. Got about 3/4 through the treatment and that shit has worked wonders 10 year later.

For me, if I eat fast food, shit with oils (like potato chips), chocolate, or dark colored soda, I can expect to see some zits a couple days later. I've never found any correlation in things like breads or milks, just foods that are essentially bad for me.

Individual differences are seriously strong with acne, but I'd say cut shit out of your diet first, don't worry about milk or what not. Don't wash your face 10x a day either, that will irritate your skin.

If I can offer any help, just PM me. I know it sucks though bro, so good luck with it.