Absolute worst guests we've ever had

well, hopefully, the media god soon tells us it is ok to kill worthless people.
There are a decent amount of Gypsies in Augusta, Ga. They scam old people/gullible acting like they are in construction. They're scum.

So would you say..the representation I put or the one from the show is accurate as far as americangypsys
How many times does it have to happen before your security team simply stops them from even entering? Or removing them shortly after entering? Are they Romanian gypsies? Should be easy to spot.

LOL - I immediately thought they were gypsies.
Just in case you are unfamiliar.


If you want to see how cavilier they are about theft, just go to 7:30 ^^^.

When I was in grad school there were some gypsies that would go to a late night supermarket and eat food right off the shelves. When security came to kick them out they would trash the place. These were like 30-40 yr old men. Eating the food right from the shelves and laughing.

You go to Italy, I tell you: watch your money. I have a friend who had a gypsy thrust her baby forward so that he would reach out to catch it as a distraction while others tried to rob him.
Their origins trace back to India IIRC but they have been an isolated group for so long that they lack any social connection to anything from India.
I don't know or see "gypsys" here in socal...however this thread made me watch "American gypsy wedding" for about three hours today...here's some of what I learned...

1)high priority on selling off daughter at 14-17 age range...leading to highly sexualized teeny boppers trying to find a husband.

2)due to being only allowed to marry within there community, there's in- breeding bigtime.

3)affliction,tapout and semi tight gothic designed shirts are the accepted attire of men. "Blow out" type hair styles are the norm aswell..think Pauly d...

4)the girls/guys are very similar to jersey shore..but something's different...like if there a cross between a guido and a southern redneck.

5)they really really like bedazzled /bejeweled stuff..like seriously,they really like bejewel everything...like for example I saw a babies "binky" bejeweled.

6)weddings,baby baptisms,14 year birthdays(women) are huge deals...they distinguish there social staus within there community...the more extravagant the better.

7)women are domestic slaves..husbands are required to bring home the Bacon...however on this show they never show the husband working or what there profession is?

8)all there eyes are spread apart abnormally...but girls tend to have nice hips.

9)men drink a lot and like fighting..added with the blinged out tapout affliction gear ,I'd be safe to assume they are part of the "just bleed" crowd.

10) it is very hard for them to rent out halls or venues due to there reputation..once again the show fails to explain why this is so prevalent for the different people...me thinks they do Fucked up shit( ala original post).

Very fascinating in a laugh at kinda way...imo,I'm sure there's decent ones just like any group..but this show didn't do them no favors lol.
did you catch the episode the cousins were getting married

I remember when I lived in Germany as a kid, we (my family) actually had a Romani family for neighbors. We never had any real issues with them as far as I remember. They weren't even all that loud, which is surprising how many people they had packed into that apartment
did you catch the episode the cousins were getting married


Ahh..yes,I saw that one...man oh man...I thought it was crazy how brash the families were about inbreeding. How they had to go to a different county to get a legal wedding. I suspect just by physical appearance line that inbreeding has already took its toll in that family just based on appearance and behavior. I also find incredibly crazy how they live in a trailer but blow there money in an extravagant event like that. I'm starting to understand that the European gypsy is more of a low on the rader/sneaky con artist ,Whereas the American gypsy is more of a flamboyant exercise in dysfunction.
Just in case you are unfamiliar.


If you want to see how cavilier they are about theft, just go to 7:30 ^^^.

When I was in grad school there were some gypsies that would go to a late night supermarket and eat food right off the shelves. When security came to kick them out they would trash the place. These were like 30-40 yr old men. Eating the food right from the shelves and laughing.

You go to Italy, I tell you: watch your money. I have a friend who had a gypsy thrust her baby forward so that he would reach out to catch it as a distraction while others tried to rob him.

Wow,thank you for posting this. Awesome watch.

One parallel I am starting to see in the euro gypsy and the American gypsy is exploitation of women in children. The men(and women) behind this or "parents" if you want to call them that,are sickening. The use of child marriage as an income is disgusting..the parents use there children to do the dirty work,here and abroad. There reasoning as to why they do this being "cultural" is bullshit..that's there convenient way of justifying there gross lack of ethic and responsibility as not just parents but as people.

In conclusion..these kids won't have a chance in hell. The cycle will continue along as the adults perpetuate this dysfunction. Those adults/parents should be castrated and burned alive...no excuse of survival can justify sending your children to do this while you get fat and play cards..disgusting greed and filth.
Ahh..yes,I saw that one...man oh man...I thought it was crazy how brash the families were about inbreeding. How they had to go to a different county to get a legal wedding. I suspect just by physical appearance line that inbreeding has already took its toll in that family just based on appearance and behavior. I also find incredibly crazy how they live in a trailer but blow there money in an extravagant event like that. I'm starting to understand that the European gypsy is more of a low on the rader/sneaky con artist ,Whereas the American gypsy is more of a flamboyant exercise in dysfunction.

Id say their equally flamboyant the Romanichal seem to be bit liberal than Romas

wealthy Romas


Id say their equally flamboyant the Romanichal seem to be bit liberal than Romas

wealthy Romas



Yeah they touched on that towards the end of that documentary..those people should be shot. Any group of people who's "way of life" depends on the exploration of children has absolutely no place in a modern society. The problem looks to be way worse for the European countries..but with the lax immigration laws of the u.s. , I could see that being a problem here...atleast until authorities caught wind of the child safety laws there breaking. I'm curious to why statutory rape and and tax law have not already been an issue for them here in the states...I don't usually dislike a group of people so much,and logically I'm sure there are very good romas but I can definitely see they do a good job of earning the reputations they have.
those gypsy mansions, on one documentary they showed them and they said they were built using money scammed from the british government using children as to get them to school they receive some sort of subsidy to go to school, dont remember any details tho
those gypsy mansions, on one documentary they showed them and they said they were built using money scammed from the british government using children as to get them to school they receive some sort of subsidy to go to school, dont remember any details tho

They explained them on the Documentary. It's from the money the kids get from stealing and begging, and the women from prostitution. Some set up businesses sending families over, and take a cut of their begging and thieving money. Then once they are wealthy enough they get into loan sharking and other criminal activity. The houses should be burned down.
Why do people put up with this shit?

political correctness, you cant judge a group of people with similar characteristics as bad because it makes you a racist, even if said group fucks you over systematically every chance they have
Discovery ID Channel's Deadly Devotion airing Tuesday 7/16 at 9 EST is about Gypsies.

And I watched some of that American Gypsy show, wow, crazy people with strong implications to underage and inbred weddings. At least far too much familiarity of teenagers ordering up drunk buses.
Discovery ID Channel's Deadly Devotion airing Tuesday 7/16 at 9 EST is about Gypsies.

And I watched some of that American Gypsy show, wow, crazy people with strong implications to underage and inbred weddings. At least far too much familiarity of teenagers ordering up drunk buses.

Any idea what channel this is in DirecTV?

Never mind. I found it 285