? about kicking w/ lateral movement



anyone got any tips drills to improve kicks while moving lateraly, does cro cop post here?
No, to my knowledge pro fighters generally do not post in this forum.

What exactly do you mean by moving laterally? On what sort of a kick? You'll need to be a bit more specific.
you basically just need to work on your footwork.....any time your throw a kick (or a punch for that matter) that you want to really stick in, step to the side with your supporting foot....if youre throwing a quick combo that you want to end with a very hard kick to the midsection, for example, you throw a quick one-two-hook, as you throw the hook, step to the side with your lead foot (it should also be the lead hand thats throwing the hook) immediately follow it up with a kick. it makes the kick more powerful, and it also gets you out of the way of a counter. practice basics on the bag or pads, jab-step rear kick, cross-step lead kick.....practice makes perfect.
the reference to crocop was mearly in jest, meant to describe someone who realy knows how evade larger opponents w/ lateral movement while still being effective w/kicks.My question refers to mostly roundhouses, and specificaly how to evade an aggresive, and/or larger opponent while still being effective w/kicks.
you basically just need to work on your footwork.....any time your throw a kick (or a punch for that matter) that you want to really stick in, step to the side with your supporting foot....if youre throwing a quick combo that you want to end with a very hard kick to the midsection, for example, you throw a quick one-two-hook, as you throw the hook, step to the side with your lead foot (it should also be the lead hand thats throwing the hook) immediately follow it up with a kick. it makes the kick more powerful, and it also gets you out of the way of a counter. practice basics on the bag or pads, jab-step rear kick, cross-step lead kick.....practice makes perfect.

should a combo allways perceed kick allways proceed a kick, should the kick come from the direction that you are steping (ie moving left left hook followed by left kick) or does it matter.THANKS
Whatever works man. There's no rules.

Throw a kick on the side you have an opening. If you practice throwing kicks from both legs and you're comfortable with them you can use them whenever you feel they will land. Using lateral movement to step out of the way of an attack will open up places for you to kick. You will know them when you see them.
DaGREATkabookie said:
should a combo allways perceed kick allways proceed a kick, should the kick come from the direction that you are steping (ie moving left left hook followed by left kick) or does it matter.THANKS

not always, but my opinion would be usually....if youre just throwing a kick out there to test your range, thats one thing, but if you really want to throw one with evil intentions, you should really set them up well...it increases the chances it will land. and if youre talking about an MMA situation, it decreases the chance that the kick will be caught and youll be taken down.

if youre stepping left, and you want to throw a power kick, it should be your right leg....the step adds power...practice it on a bag, and you can see the difference. of course you can throw a kick with the same leg you stepped with, but youd have to do a bit of a shuffle step, or a hop, to get it, and usually it wont be as powerful, but displacement kicks like this are a valuable tool...and just because it isnt an extremely powerful kick, doesnt mean it wont count.

long story short, if you want to really knock thier block off, kick with the opposite foot youve stepped with....and its a good idea to always set up your kicks with feints and punches.