A thank you for using my Mginaction Promo code, gift.


Brown Belt
May 13, 2008
Reaction score
Hey everyone,

I just noticed a bunch of people from this site and another site have used my promo code for MGinaction.com ("Sloth" is the code if you don't know haha) and I wanted to say thank you to all of these people and everyone else by offering a free service.

I have a small thing on fiverr.com where I review peoples tournament videos for $5. I provide some advice and point out things that I notice that maybe I can help with. Here's the link if you want info about what this is: http://fiverr.com/joshvogelhttp://fiverr.com/joshvogel

Anyway, as a way to say thank you to all the people from these message boards, I'd like to offer my services for free to everyone who signed up to MGinaction using my promo code as well as 5 other people. (I would do more, but it's pretty time consuming and I'm short on that these days). So, for the first five people that post on this thread, if you want one video of your competition footage reviewed, let me know and I'll do it for free. I'll pm you so we don't have to go through the Fiverr site, if you signed up with my code, just email me at [email protected] and I'll take care of you guys.

Thanks again everyone and Happy Holidays!

P.S. This is a genuine offer for everyone and yes I posted my promo code. I'm genuinely grateful for you guys using my code and that's why I'm doing this, but I'm no fool , lol, I'll post that damn thing every chance I get.
Thanks for a very generous decision, and smart promotional move.

Does it have to be competition footage? I have plenty, but the footage I'd most like to have broken down is from training.
Thanks for a very generous decision, and smart promotional move.

Does it have to be competition footage? I have plenty, but the footage I'd most like to have broken down is from training.

Hi 100%Jiu-jitsu,

No problemo! Sure thing, training footage is fine, thanks!
I think I used your code when I signed up.
I'm going to sign up for MGinaction in January. I'll be sure to use your code. If I can find some old competition footage can I send it to you?
I'm going to sign up for MGinaction in January. I'll be sure to use your code. If I can find some old competition footage can I send it to you?

Hey Senshi, sure thing! Thanks!
Guys, Josh did an INCREDIBLE job for me. I'm still in shock. I PMed him the link to my video, and roughly two hours later I got back a 3-page (single spaced!), second by second breakdown of my match.

I'd watched this match maybe 20 times and showed it to one black belt and several purple belts. Josh pointed out TONS of things that nobody had ever noticed! My mind has been opened to transitions that never would have occurred to me before, and I have some specific grip-fighting and frame-control ideas that I'm going to put in to action right away. He also pointed out something I do similar to Kron Gracie, and suggested that I watch his competition footage to get ideas for my own game.

I learned more from Josh's analysis than I've gotten out of many private lessons and DVD sets that cost hundreds of dollars. After reading his breakdown, I immediately went on fiverr and hired him to analyze another one of my matches. I have a feeling it's going to be among the best $5 I ever spent.
Jeez, Sloth, now I wish I had some recent competition footage for you to see! Maybe you could just follow me around all day and tell me what to do. I think my whole live could benefit from some fine-tuning!
Jeez, Sloth, now I wish I had some recent competition footage for you to see! Maybe you could just follow me around all day and tell me what to do. I think my whole live could benefit from some fine-tuning!

Haha, my decision making skills are pretty suspect when it comes to real life. I'd have to lower my rates to $3
Josh was very prompt, and provided some GREAT comments. Things that are tiny and things that I, as a white belt would not notice -- he could point them out. For example, he said my hips were too high in side control, and I could get swept forward. This is something that HAS happened to me in competition, and now I know how to fix it.

Like the other poster wrote, the breakdown he provides is very long, and very detailed. It's a second-by-second breakdown. I will be sending him my matches for years to come. I doubt it's even to make much money, and more out of the love of the sport, cause it must take at least an hour if not hours to make this happen (and for $5!). Honestly a great service, and I couldn't be more satisfied.
Josh was very prompt, and provided some GREAT comments. Things that are tiny and things that I, as a white belt would not notice -- he could point them out. For example, he said my hips were too high in side control, and I could get swept forward. This is something that HAS happened to me in competition, and now I know how to fix it.

Like the other poster wrote, the breakdown he provides is very long, and very detailed. It's a second-by-second breakdown. I will be sending him my matches for years to come. I doubt it's even to make much money, and more out of the love of the sport, cause it must take at least an hour if not hours to make this happen (and for $5!). Honestly a great service, and I couldn't be more satisfied.

Thanks primaxopt! I'm glad you enjoyed the break down!

This is true, an 8 minute video usually takes me around 45 minutes to analyze, but I really enjoy doing these breakdowns. I feel like it helps me really dissect Jiujitsu and notice patterns that I wouldn't otherwise notice. It also helps me articulate difficult to understand areas of Jiujitsu and the $5 bucks gets me a couple of nice cups of coffee to boot :)

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