A radical group of black students calls on the university of Cornell to disfavor immigrants.

Son of Jamin

Make MMA Great Again
Jul 21, 2007
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The BSU argued that “the Black student population at Cornell disproportionately represents international or first-generation African or Caribbean students. While these students have a right to flourish at Cornell, there is a lack of investment in Black students whose families were affected directly by the African Holocaust in America.”

There’s a contradiction here. For years liberal writers have blamed black poverty and undereducation on racism—the experience of being more likely to be pulled over by police, to be looked at suspiciously in department stores, to be discriminated against in schools and the workplace.

But it doesn’t seem to be the case, at least not to the same degree, among immigrants.
Why does racism not seem to keep black immigrants down? The answer is obvious: Black immigrant culture tends to value academic achievement and believe it is possible no matter what happened to your ancestors. As one business school graduate born to Nigerian parents tells Ms. Chua and Mr. Rubenfeld: “If you start thinking about or becoming absorbed in the mentality that the whole system is against us then you cannot succeed.”

Groups like the Cornell BSU insist that the system is out to get them and they cannot succeed. This makes the presence of high-achieving immigrant black students inconvenient. Between diversity and victimhood as the highest good in today’s academia, it’s hard to know where to place your money.
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It's interesting to see when those that strictly adhere to the dogma of intersectionalism have to experience cognitive dissonance when other racialized minorities excel in contrast to the religious belief that you can't succeed in this toxic white society if you are a minority.
African Holocaust? Thats a new one to me
How about just admitting the people with the best grades? It seems so simple....
As if the effects of slavery in the Lesser Antilles were any less lasting than that of the United States

This seems like a case of the oppression Olympics
The BSU have also created a list of demands:
We demand that Cornell Admissions to come up with a plan to actively increase the presence of underrepresented Black students on this campus. We define underrepresented Black students as Black Americans who have several generations (more than two) in this country.

So basically, they need to be a specially protected class because other minorities tend to do well.

I wonder what happened to personal responsibility and of course, this has nothing to do with culture...

You haven't heard of the Black Holocaust?

There's also the

Nuclear Holocaust

Armenian Holocaust

Ukrainian Holocaust

Palestinian Holocaust (Nakra)

The White Holocaust as some call it generally refers to WW2 Europe in general where we were all stupidly killing eachother

Everything has Holocaust in it because everyone knows the Jewish Holocaust of course. How can they not? taught in schools all over the West. Museums everywhere. Hollywood movies though not very historically accurate but thats for another thread...
If the white man was smart he would deflect all hate and violence from the black community towards he Hispanic.

Democrats never helped the African American community like they do the Hispanic.
Hispanics have kicked African Americans out of towns and took over their jobs....
And again the government is willing to provide assistance to foreigners over citizens.
Must be something wrong, since it invalidates the poor minorities, evil westerners narrative.

Can't be true.
Right because black people in the caribbean didnt suffered anything as bad as slavery...

Because these individuals were not picking cotton, just picking sugarcane, which is not hard work and they did so willingly in exchange for lodging.
Isn't Cornell private?

so they have no incentive to raise the number of domestic or state centered students right?
so American black people experienced the 'African holocaust' which is worse than being raised entirely in Africa?

wait, what
have any of them actually been to Africa?
So basically, they need to be a specially protected class because other minorities tend to do well.

I wonder what happened to personal responsibility and of course, this has nothing to do with culture...
This is what undercuts the silly white privilege idea. It's not that whites are advantaged, it's that we must account for the consistent failure of the American black community even compared to non-American blacks.
How about just admitting the people with the best grades? It seems so simple....
well clearly the students from local schools in say Lesotho have the benefit of living in nicer areas, having higher property taxes to fund schools, etc...

oh wait
I'm really not surprised by this. In high school i saw the immigrant Nigerian kids ostracized by African Americans.

It was probably a good thing for the Nigerians tho. They seem to have their head on straight.

You know your ass hate black folks when you'd rather give illegal aliens low interesy business loans and free tuition than give that shit to black folks trying to make it out of the situation their parents allowed for them.