A Quiet Place (2018 Horror)

If you’ve seen it, how did you rate it?

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I just got back from seeing it. Overall, it was a pretty good movie. For a movie with hardly any talking, and actors who basically had to portray emotions through their facial features and body movements, they did well.

The script was semi-original. It felt similar to when I watched Signs for the first time. A completely generic item/prop that really holds little to no value ends up being the achilles heel to these alien things?? Kind of "eh" in those regards. Some of the jump scares were kind of unoriginal as well. And with no real backstory about this family or the aliens themselves, it was rough trying to truly sympathize with the characters. Are they monsters all over the country? The world? How is electricity still a thing?

What I really loved about the movie was how they made a clear distinction between what one child would hear vs what the other child would hear (or not hear for that matter). It made people in the theater uneasy enough to not eat loud things on those parts...except for this fat freak in front of me who was shoveling popcorn into his mouth for the first 15 mins of the movie...boy, am I glad he ran out quick.

There were definitely some huge plot holes in the movie, but overall I enjoyed it. I like John Krasinski since his Office days, so it's cool to see him do this thing.
What I really loved about the movie was how they made a clear distinction between what one child would hear vs what the other child would hear (or not hear for that matter).

Yeah I liked that too

I think that's why they never allowed her downstairs because she wouldn't be aware of any noise she happened to make

They pretty much told her to stay away from them most of the time
Yeah I liked that too

I think that's why they never allowed her downstairs because she wouldn't be aware of any noise she happened to make

They pretty much told her to stay away from them most of the time
Yeah, it was crazy how much they went through to not make sound. On a wooden floor, they had to paint where it was ok to step and not to step. There was definitely some creativity in there.
Good movie. Had a slow burn vibe but never dragged. Some of the pop out scares were your typical false alarm horror 101 stuff but there were definitely some tense moments and well constructed scenes. More than your typical horror movie, though, there were damn good performances. Krasinski and Blunt were damn good as usual. The young actors were very impressive. Two of the better young actor performances I've seen in recent memory.

Not going to lie

When Krainski made the sacrifice play, it hit me right in the feels. Touching moment. To me that scene sort of hit home my overall thoughts about the movie. Nothing earth-shattering, but even some of the stuff that we have seen similarly done in previous films was very well executed.

Anyone else think the movie definitely had a Signs vibe at times.

Also, Blunt's accident right after her water breaking was pretty vicious and yet it didn't really make me cringe as much as it otherwise would have because I kept thinking of Daniel Stern in Home Alone.

Strong atmosphere, strong performances, and the quiet element was well done. I recommend it for sure. 7.5/10.
Just a heads up: try to see this when you know there won't be much of a crowd. I think seeing this in a packed theater provides a huge risk of hurting the overall viewing experience. It might not seem like a big deal, but trust me on this.
I second this. Two or three people were eating popcorn right behind me and it ruined the first 10 minutes or so. Nothing but ambient sound and a subtle soundtrack at the start so any moron munching on popcorn will be heard. As the movie went on the theater got a lot quieter so it wasn't a big deal, but an empty theater or even better, a good home theater will give you a much better experience.

Even with those issues, this was fucking intense. Holy shit what a great film.
Anyone else think the movie definitely had a Signs vibe at times.

Also, Blunt's accident right after her water breaking was pretty vicious and yet it didn't really make me cringe as much as it otherwise would have because I kept thinking of Daniel Stern in Home Alone.

Signs is the one movie I knew it would be compared to, and it's a fair comparison. There are some similarities for sure.

The nail scene...The anticipation of it happening was intense. The really vicious part about that scene was the consequences that came from it. That one damn nail created the domino effect which resulted in losing her husband and almost the lives of her entire family. That scene carried a lot of weight, and was probably the most important scene in the movie.
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Damn I want to see this now, but it sounds like it'd be better at home than with yahoos chomping and farting all around you.
Because the problem isn't where they live, the problem is the NSA, Social Network data collection, political correctness, and censorship.

edit: or maybe crippling social anxiety
Way to blow this thing out of proportion, guys.

It was ok. My girl thought it was stupid. It's a serviceable creature feature. The end, and events leading to it, were typical. It was better than mimic by a notch, but it's more the same type of movie than the overblown b.s. being said about this movie would indicate.

8/10 for the modern creature feature genre.

7/10 for a modern horror.

6/10 as an overall movie.
Way to blow this thing out of proportion, guys.

It was ok. My girl thought it was stupid. It's a serviceable creature feature. The end, and events leading to it, were typical. It was better than mimic by a notch, but it's more the same type of movie than the overblown b.s. being said about this movie would indicate.

8/10 for the modern creature feature genre.

7/10 for a modern horror.

6/10 as an overall movie.

You seem to dislike a lot of movies that other people think are solid. I think you just have a peculiar taste.

You seem to dislike a lot of movies that other people think are solid. I think you just have a peculiar taste.

Like what?

I liked 'shape of water,' I just don't think it was a strong best picture.

I liked black panther, I just think critics finding it a better film than "full metal jacket" or 100 other timeless classics is comical at best.

Give me an example, please.
Like what?

I liked 'shape of water,' I just don't think it was a strong best picture.

I liked black panther, I just think critics finding it a better film than "full metal jacket" or 100 other timeless classics is comical at best.

Give me an example, please.

iirc, I could be wrong. I think I remember you saying that you weren't a fan of Blade Runner 2049 and Inception. Plus A Quiet Place.
Liked blade runner. Inception is stupid because dreams don't work like that. And quiet place was ok.. Some idiots are giving it 10/10.. Yeah right. The people IN the movie would laugh at that.
Liked blade runner. Inception is stupid because dreams don't work like that. And quiet place was ok.. Some idiots are giving it 10/10.. Yeah right. The people IN the movie would laugh at that.

I went 7.5/10. Certainly a movie I liked a lot. More than anything, I think it has put Krasinski on the map as a film star/director. He was already doing well for himself with a convincing turn in the Bengazi film, but this should really put him a great spot.
Quiet place is phenomenal. Jim did a great job for his directorial debut. They paid close attention to detail. I went in thinking how the fuck are you going to be quiet but the way the did it it made sense. Jim made a film that created a world full of high tension that has people on edge. it was really a great film.

The visuals, sound track, cinematography, script and director were all on point

IIRC they look almost exactly like the Stranger Things monster.

We’ve seen a large humanoid like creature where the face opens up many times. That’s why I said generic. I meant generic looking.

They had super hearing but were blind. They couldn’t even see Emily Blunt holding a squealing baby behind some water dripping.

Their armor was badass but a shotgun blast to the face kills them. Pellets dude.

Their hearing was an attribute and also their weakness. How quickly in the real world would we have figured out that if something has super hearing, that it would also be sensitive to certain frequencies. We do that with dog whistles. Probably not the same science but before most of the population was killed off I’m sure some scientist, doctor, engineer, weapons expert, or deaf girl would have figured it out.

I was also confused by how they mentioned there was only 3 of them. I assume just 3 in this area. But the only way I see them taking out most of the world is if their was millions of them and they coordinated a simultaneous attack of major cities all around the planet.

Fast, strong, sharp teeth, and can swim underwater just don’t separate them from most badass monsters in movies.

I wasn’t impressed by them.

everything you said can be countered. Sounds like you were just being dumb when you watched this film
I just got back from seeing it. Overall, it was a pretty good movie. For a movie with hardly any talking, and actors who basically had to portray emotions through their facial features and body movements, they did well.

The script was semi-original. It felt similar to when I watched Signs for the first time. A completely generic item/prop that really holds little to no value ends up being the achilles heel to these alien things?? Kind of "eh" in those regards. Some of the jump scares were kind of unoriginal as well. And with no real backstory about this family or the aliens themselves, it was rough trying to truly sympathize with the characters. Are they monsters all over the country? The world? How is electricity still a thing?

What I really loved about the movie was how they made a clear distinction between what one child would hear vs what the other child would hear (or not hear for that matter). It made people in the theater uneasy enough to not eat loud things on those parts...except for this fat freak in front of me who was shoveling popcorn into his mouth for the first 15 mins of the movie...boy, am I glad he ran out quick.

There were definitely some huge plot holes in the movie, but overall I enjoyed it. I like John Krasinski since his Office days, so it's cool to see him do this thing.

what plot holes?
For those who didn't see it and don't want this spoiled, I just wanna ask a few questions then jump out.

Did the movie flow well? No lulls, super slow spots in the suspense?

Was the ending good? I have seen movies that keep you on the edge the entire time, then the reveal/end is just absolute SHIT and pisses me off....

It flowed very well. Great movie

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