A question regarding trained vs untrained


White Belt
Aug 10, 2008
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Is it fair to say that you could be in the best shape of your life,done Crossfit, or P90X, Kettlebells or any other form of physical training and still get your ass handed to you by someone who has at least decent amount of training in BJJ or MMA?
There is certainly something to be said for being fit and strong. Endurance and strength certainly do count for something in a fight, or you'd see a lot more fighters looking like Roy Nelson.

That being said, technique can help negate those natural advantages and can even allow you to use them against the person. Furthermore, a fit person without any training will direct their efforts in very inefficient ways, because they simply have no ide of what to do.

I've always thought that the biggest difference between the trained and the untrained is that the trained person has been there before and can apply more thought to what their are doing rather than doing the first thing that comes to mind, like the untrained.
Is it fair to say that you could be in the best shape of your life,done Crossfit, or P90X, Kettlebells or any other form of physical training and still get your ass handed to you by someone who has at least decent amount of training in BJJ or MMA?

Bob Sapp vs Nogueira.
the untrained does not know what to do, the trained does.

example: untrained person being mounted= kicks legs around and flails. trained person= reversal, escapes, or get to guard

and as far as things like headlocks and subs, untrained are F'ed
Think about it, are the best fighters in the world doing crossfit and P90x all the time or are they, you know, training?
An untrained person, even one who is in great shape, will usually gas out pretty quickly in a fight because of the adrenaline dump, forgetting to breathe, using their muscles inefficiently, ect.
Someone who has had years of training and has dealt with the adrenaline dump, fighting though when youre tired, ect has a massive advantage not just because of their technical knowledge, but because they know how to breathe and react in a heat of the moment situation. If the fight or altercation goes more than 30 seconds, the trained person's odds of winning are pretty high.
What kind of question is this?

The most fit person would suck at BASKETBALL.... or TENNIS.... or SOCCER against anybody who trains actively and is reasonably skilled in that.

Why would combat sports be any different?
if you are trying not to hurt him? yes maybe, if you just want to grab something and rip it off before he can even scream in pain? no.
What kind of question is this?

The most fit person would suck at BASKETBALL.... or TENNIS.... or SOCCER against anybody who trains actively and is reasonably skilled in that.

Why would combat sports be any different?

because anyone can throw a punch and grapple (maybe not effectively, but still), not eveyrone can play ball or tennis or soccer
Isn't this obvious? How often do you see tiny 135 lb. purple and above belts tapping out huge, athletic white belts? ... Pretty often. Trained > Untrained.
because anyone can throw a punch and grapple (maybe not effectively, but still), not eveyrone can play ball or tennis or soccer

This is not true.

Anyone fit can learn to throw a punch (more likely) or grapple (less likely), but it's not an inherent skill just because you happen to fit.
being fit does not mean you can fight, you did know that right? jesus
because anyone can throw a punch and grapple (maybe not effectively, but still), not eveyrone can play ball or tennis or soccer

sure they can. about just as effectively as a untrained person can grapple or punch.