A Question concerning styles


White Belt
Jun 10, 2008
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Hey everyone,

Im new to these forums and I'd like to get everyones opinion on what I plan to do with my martial arts study. I just started judo recently, about 2 weeks ago and Im really enjoying it. However, Id like to mix up my styles so I have a good balance between grappling and striking. My plan is to do judo for about a year to a year and half and than switch over to San Shou. I think the judo training would supplement the san shou training alot since id have knowledge of alot of throws and takedowns, know how to breakfall and get used to the rough and tumble of fighting. Also, I really like San Shou's striking(Cung Le is one of my fav fighters). Anyways, what does everyone think of my plan?
BJJ, judo and Thai - and wrestling if your really bored!
I think it's a good pla, but I woudn't plan on quitting anything one art. Try and do both at the same time.
most bjj gyms now a days have an mma program that will work on your striking as well. might want to check into that.
I think it's a good plan. Try out some San Shou, see if you like it. If you do, bully for you...you've got two complimentary styles that you dig.

If you don't like it..perhaps you should check out Muay Thai...it's probably available at more locations.

Everyone is going to start asking you what your goals are, if you want to compete, if so, in what arena, etc. I say, just try it and see if you like it, all that other stuff will come later.
I disagree.

You should dabble in striking but Specialize and really focus on one type of grappling.
dont hate on wrestling buddy

Actually wrestling belongs right up there with the other three - if you're going to fight no-gi, you're going to need it.

Sorry fella - wasnt hating on wrestling - was just trying to convey that he'd have his hands full doing the 1st 3 and if he had time - i would suggest wrestling aswell. Thats all

Id love to wrestle some - but if I had my time again that would be the order/priority that I would train - no wrestle hate from me!!
San Shao is a pretty sweet set up. Essentially striking with take downs. I would love to take it but there isn't a gym near me.

But your posting on a grappling forum. We are all gonna tell you to focus on a pure grappling art.

The great thing about BJJ is you will learn amazing technique and in the future do competition.
I wanna join a judo school but there are none around me.

BJJ is very hands on and fun