A Closer Look At Woodley's Record

If woodley adds Usman and Colby to that lost their is gonna be a big debate for Woodleys and I’ll be leading it
The fact GSP wants nothing to do with him also adds to Woodleys legacy

Here's GSP's record in comparison.

I was generous and only took his last 13 fights just like I did with Woodley, but GSP has several high profile wins before that such as Hughes, BJ Penn etc..


This pretty much squashes any claims of Woodley being the possible WW GOAT, which to be honest were quite ridiculous to begin with since GSP is light years ahead.
calling Kim a can is a bit harsh

Here's GSP's record in comparison.

I was generous and only took his last 13 fights just like I did with Woodley, but GSP has several high profile wins before that such as Hughes, BJ Penn etc..


This pretty much squashes any claims of Woodley being the possible WW GOAT, which to be honest were quite ridiculous to begin with since GSP is light years ahead.

Do people claim otherwise?
GSP is too intelligent for Woodley. GSP 49-46.
@Arkham's Notorious Geyser actually we GSP fans dont need to downplay anybody especially Woodley because GSP is light years ahead of him in the GOAT status so we dont have why to downplay him. its actually GSP haters who downplay GSP and try to push the narrative that Woodley is somehow the WW GOAT.

He's the Greatest active Welterweight currently, and that's a fact. GSP is retired. Yes, he's already solidified himself as the WW Goat, but he ain't fighting no more, so you shouldn't be having a panic attack whenever people talk about the CURRENT Welterweight Champion and possible contender for GOAT Status years down the line.

Woodley is the now, can't get mad because people aren't living in the past. There will be another Welterweight to surpass GSP, it will happen, I know it's scary to you, I get it, but GSP will be a modern Great, that's it, not an ALL TIME!
I agree on this but I'd put Darren Till as a can over Don Hyun Kim any day. Darren Till has amazing victory against Cowboy only but somehow UFC promoting him as the great white hope for WW which is a trash division.

Meh, you have Dan Hardy as a “good win”

You're right, I could have listed him as a can. Doesn't change much even if I went back to change it though.

I listed Maia as a good win despite Woodley breaking the record for the least punches thrown in a championship fight and Maia being 40 years old when he fought him.
GSP has the far better resume. However, as of now no matter how much I can't stand him he's at the top of the mountain. No one in the division but 6 foot white dudes who beat up Maia have a shot
to say DHK is a can lol...you dont know shit.
Does anyone account the championship defenses?
Woodley still only has 3 (a draw is equal to just not happening IMO so if you want to say 4 thats fine)
GSP had 10 AFTER getting it back from Matt Serra which was proven to be a fluke loss to Matt in he first fight, again IMO

I also am not more of a fan of either guy. I actually think GSP is very boring to watch fight.
I disagree with those who say fans will always say "Woodley sucks". Truth is Woodley still has a ways to go and I feel when a fighter claims to be the GOAT himself is a turn off to LOTS of fans.
Condit was washed up when woodley fought him even though it was an injury for condit, he then went on to arguably beat robbie in a title fight?

Yeah Condit wasn't washed up he just has zero tdd and his knee blew out




Not sure what you're trying to say here... Did anybody mention steroids? Not saying he's clean I just don't get how this is relevant. I find it funny how GSP talked about the advantages of steroids like he knew all about them and it was also funny because they are the kinds of advantages he had over his opponents.
lol @ people saying GSP is ducking woodley

Woodley lost to the current BELLATOR champ

Here's GSP's record in comparison.

I was generous and only took his last 13 fights just like I did with Woodley, but GSP has several high profile wins before that such as Hughes, BJ Penn etc..


This pretty much squashes any claims of Woodley being the possible WW GOAT, which to be honest were quite ridiculous to begin with since GSP is light years ahead.

The only thing it squashes is the notion that a user with a french name can be objective when talking about their hero, Bore St. Pierre.

TWood was knocking people out that entire time, while "Whats the Rush" went 6 years without being good enough to finish a single opponent.

Also, T Wood never needed to cheat with vaseline to beat smaller fighters.

This pretty much squashes any claims of Woodley being the possible WW GOAT, which to be honest were quite ridiculous to begin with since GSP is light years ahead.

That GSP list should say "Laid on him like a wet carpet for 5 rounds" rather than good win.
So Dan Hardy is a good win for GSP but Kim is a can for Woodley?

Seriously TS you are starting to become one of the dumbest users in this forum.
That GSP list should say "Laid on him like a wet carpet for 5 rounds" rather than good win.

I never get folks who say this. Then why do you watch MMA? MMA is "mixed martial arts" and wrestling and grappling are arguably the most foundational (and effective) bases for MMA success. Completely negating someone's ability to harm you for 5 rounds is, in a way, the epitome of dominance. Maybe it's not exciting for some, but it certainly is dominant. And IMO, GSP consistently demonstrated action and damage from top position in most of his later fights even though they went to decision.
Woodley rustles me sometimes but I have feeling, even if he doesn't end up with the resume to back it, that he's the best WW of all time right now.
Condit wasn't washed up when he fought Woodley and Dong Hyun Kim isn't a can by a long shot

GSP > Woodley, but you don't have to shit on Woodley's record to make that point