International 7 Dead in Jerusalem Synagogue Shooting

Why Genecop banned?

And is sherdog posting more of these stories than usual or is the world getting crazier?
This story goes away in a day or two.... the victims and killer don't match the Establishment propaganda points.
The day before 9 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces, but little to no focus by the MSM. Israel claims it was a counter terror operation. How many were innocent , we don't know, but there was atleast 1 woman who was killed as she peered out her window. The Synagogue shooting makes news because it is a place of worship, the number killed and all can be assumed to be innocent, but Israel's killing of Palestinians is a nickle and dime attrition, i.e. several individual Palestinians spread out over weeks.

Jan 27th 2023


2022 Saw Highest Number of Palestinians Killed in West Bank by Israeli Forces Since Second Intifada
144 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces in the West Bank over the past 12 months. It is the highest number in 18 years
While this incident took place, at about the same time 9 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces, but little to no focus by the MSM. Israel claims it was a counter terror operation. How many were innocent , we don't know, but there was atleast 1 woman who was killed as she peered out her window. The Synagogue shooting makes news because it is a place of worship, the number killed and all can be assumed to be innocent, but Israel's killing of Palestinians is a nickle and dime attrition, i.e. several individual Palestinians spread out over weeks.

Jan 27th 2023


2022 Saw Highest Number of Palestinians Killed in West Bank by Israeli Forces Since Second Intifada
144 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces in the West Bank over the past 12 months. It is the highest number in 18 years

also, don't know if I saw it on an IG reel or youstubes short, there was a news piece detailing how every year during Ramadan Israeli soldies specifically & strategically target mosques at prayer times, bombing them/closing them off etc. also saw a clip of soldiers beating a Palestinian woman trying to enter a mosque to pray.
Dude always seemed to post generic, short, nonsense posts.

Not sure what he said tonight that overstepped the mark?
@idrankyourbeer is a fucking postwhore who repeats the same messages over and over, and he isn't banned.
"Look at me, I said chuds."

I'm not saying Genecop always made great posts, but I wonder why he got banned.
Did he say the p word?
@idrankyourbeer is a fucking postwhore who repeats the same messages over and over, and he isn't banned.
"Look at me, I said chuds."

I'm not saying Genecop always made great posts, but I wonder why he got banned.
Did he say the p word?

dude, shit just got weird. check the WR Lounge that's stickied
This story goes away in a day or two.... the victims and killer don't match the Establishment propaganda points.
You're an idiot, but you're right by accident.
This story WILL go away in a couple of days here because it will be overshadowed by yet another supporter of the 2nd amendment going on a kill crazy rampage.... that or Trump getting in trouble for some sort of inflammatory shit.

It seems that idiots simply can't handle it if they aren't the center of attention.
Dude always seemed to post generic, short, nonsense posts.

Not sure what he said tonight that overstepped the mark?

what other type of posts you want on an online karate forum?
Damn, that last sentence 'celebrated by Palestinians handing out sweets', that whole area is Hell on Earth, no?
It's actually a rather nice and friendly place from my experience. Though the Palestinians were in fact rather rude to me for no reason.
“Palestinian groups celebrate the cold blooded murder”

Not surprised the side the Democrats favor celebrates terrorists murdering innocent people in cold blood
In the West the polarization on Israel VS Palestine is pretty unsettling. This whole situation is fucking ugly. That people are adamant in their support of either a giant douche or a turd sandwich is, again, pretty unsettling. There are no good guys here.
Great comment after an innocent man gets murdered praying. Both sides, eh? God you are pathetic.
Yeah, no way was the timing a coincidence.

In all honesty I’d say it was. Having said that the days of bus bombings and mass shootings that went on during the second intifada are long behind us so perhaps there may be something in it. If this dude actually planned for that day he’s pretty fucking stupid. But then again anyone who commits acts such as this for any cause is fucking stupid. There’s a reason long term “rebel” groups stoped targeting civilians en mass and that’s because you loose support. Outside the US and the European political class people are extremely sympathetic to the plight of Palestinians. Shit like this is bad news for even groups like hamas.

When bullying in school and the internet produces mass shooters in the US and sometimes europe it’s no surprise that the most densely populated area of our planet getting almost carpet bombed regularly would produce some fucking lunatics. There’s a folk song about a army attack that has the line “not one terrorist was killed that day but how many were born” and I think that may be fitting.

Added vulnerability.

People go to worship empty handed, so to speak.

I do get why some would find it worse.

It'd be like shooting someone at a funeral or a wedding.

Exactly! Places of worship like just like hospitals, schools and to a lesser degree embassy’s should be respected. Attacks on civilians are never justified but there is something very low about attacking these places and most acknowledge that. I have no respect for the Israeli authorities or Isreal as a state the last few decades. I am not a pacifist and regard violence in certain circumstances as morally right. There is absolutely no justification for an action such as this and anyone showing the slightest bit of sympathy should be ashamed
Great comment after an innocent man gets murdered praying. Both sides, eh? God you are pathetic.

My apologies for not engaging in this politically correct ritual enough to be able to acknowledge that this is a meatgrinder where every side has wronged every other side for so long that there are no good guys. I'll correct that now.

Thoughts and prayers!

When I've uttered enough Hallmark level statements of distress and condolences, let me know and I'll cut the BS and say what I think.