7 day peak window??

Cash Bill 52

Brown Belt
Apr 17, 2006
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With Pan Ams one week away it's time to taper off the hard training. I was curious to know what some of you guys do during the week leading up to a big tournament. As luck would have it I have a week vacation next week. Normally I would be training like crazy if I have time off. I'm not sure if it's a curse or a blessing to have time off. I will have a lot of time to think which could be bad. I will be heading to the beach, going on long walks with my wife, catching a movie, going to book stores, and basically keeping myself distracted.

I will be going into the academy during open mat periods to work on my strengths and taking off Wednesday and Thursday completely. Friday will hopefully be the absolute division and Saturday will be my weight class.

I'm 5 lbs under my weight limit so I will be eating pasta, yams, and other good carbs and getting lots of rest.

What do you Sherdoggers do leading up to big tourneys??

I'll keep training hard until Wednesday. I'm still 2# over so the cardio/fat burning and salads will keep full pace. I have a lot of bumps and banged up parts but when I played football that was the normal situation.

My main problem is I need to get a new gi that is legal. My normal tournament gi's patches and the size will be dq. Whats a good light wieght gi that will shrink to the right size in one week?
do anything but think about the tournament.

Go have a good time - chill out..

I think the lightest gi you can get and still be legal is a Vulkan.
I'll keep training hard until Wednesday. I'm still 2# over so the cardio/fat burning and salads will keep full pace. I have a lot of bumps and banged up parts but when I played football that was the normal situation.

My main problem is I need to get a new gi that is legal. My normal tournament gi's patches and the size will be dq. Whats a good light wieght gi that will shrink to the right size in one week?

My Koral didn't shrink at all. It's pretty light weight.

I have to say I'm looking to avoid bumps and bruises this week. At the most I'm looking at 5 or 6, 5 minute matches. I've been doing 5 10 minute matches in the academy. I want to feel light and loose. I'll be doing some yoga and stretching this week.
Great idea for a thread man. A lot of guys are competing soon, and it would be great to hear what the seasoned competitors do.
My Koral didn't shrink at all. It's pretty light weight.

I have to say I'm looking to avoid bumps and bruises this week. At the most I'm looking at 5 or 6, 5 minute matches. I've been doing 5 10 minute matches in the academy. I want to feel light and loose. I'll be doing some yoga and stretching this week.

5 minute? I thought you were a purple belt, which would be 7 minute. Are you a white belt?
5 minute? I thought you were a purple belt, which would be 7 minute. Are you a white belt?

Senior purple belt., I guess they don't want us old guys having a heart attack on the mat...lol

I would actually prefer a longer match.

Time limits for different ages...


The division is open for everyone, but athletes of other age divisions willing to compete here will not be allowed to fight in their own division (athletes can only enroll in one age division)
Fight time:
bluebelts - 6 minutes
purplebelts - 7 minutes
brownbelts - 8 minutes
blackbelts -10 minutes

Masters (30-35)

Athletes born between 1973 and 1978
Fight time: Bluebelts
Went to practice today. 1 hour vs 260# Judo brown belt (high BJJ white). After multiple slams to the mat (that uchimata is a real killer) the bumps and bruises are larger and more purple. Maybe a little time off isn't that bad of an idea.

Thanks for the Gi input.
Senior purple belt., I guess they don't want us old guys having a heart attack on the mat...lol

I would actually prefer a longer match.

Time limits for different ages...


The division is open for everyone, but athletes of other age divisions willing to compete here will not be allowed to fight in their own division (athletes can only enroll in one age division)
Fight time:
bluebelts - 6 minutes
purplebelts - 7 minutes
brownbelts - 8 minutes
blackbelts -10 minutes

Masters (30-35)

Athletes born between 1973 and 1978
Fight time: Bluebelts
Thanks Anaconda. Regular training tomorrow and Monday. Easy and technical Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday off. Friday I hope to be good to go...
With Pan Ams one week away it's time to taper off the hard training. I was curious to know what some of you guys do during the week leading up to a big tournament. As luck would have it I have a week vacation next week. Normally I would be training like crazy if I have time off. I'm not sure if it's a curse or a blessing to have time off. I will have a lot of time to think which could be bad. I will be heading to the beach, going on long walks with my wife, catching a movie, going to book stores, and basically keeping myself distracted.

I will be going into the academy during open mat periods to work on my strengths and taking off Wednesday and Thursday completely. Friday will hopefully be the absolute division and Saturday will be my weight class.

I'm 5 lbs under my weight limit so I will be eating pasta, yams, and other good carbs and getting lots of rest.

What do you Sherdoggers do leading up to big tourneys??


Great article by Stephan Kesting on the subjecy here, if you don't already know it:


Good luck and props for stepping up!

Great article by Stephan Kesting on the subjecy here, if you don't already know it:


Good luck and props for stepping up!


Thanks ShanghaiBJJ. That's exactly what I'm looking for. I think it's important for coaches to read this. The old school way was to train like crazy and go to tournaments burned out. Now that I'm a little older I need to be wiser.

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