5 episodes into the wire and

I was excited to watch this being a fan of law and order. Seemed like a similar show and I know Munch shows up at some point.

Its pretty good but I can't say I'm super blown away yet. Don't add spoilers but when does the show take off? I'm in it till the end either way.

Season 3 is off the hook. It's the peak of the series imo in terms of story, acting, and plot. Overall, The Wire is the GOAT.
Im on season 5 episode 4 and so far its been kind of boring. I like that they brought back the greek and vondas but the stuff with the newspaper I'm not a fan of.
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Watched a few more episodes. I think I ended on episode 7. The season is starting to pick up again. A common theme it seems is that the series can't nail the opening few episodes of a season so I can see how this may turn people off.

Also Omar may very well end up being my favorite character of the series.
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Maybe I'm looking at this wrong but is dookie supposed to be a parallel to marlow? And Michael one to Chris? Maybe it's just me keep in mind I'm pretty high when I watch this. But Michael told Dookie something about having a talented mind when dookie is upset he can't fight or shoot. At the same time Chris does most of the killing on marlows behalf while Marlow is the brains. Therefore dookie is the brains and Michael is the muscle. is this making sense?
We are half way through season 2 and loving this shit. Wife and I watched shows like Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Ray Donovan and such, so this was right up our alley. Only started watching it because we binged Boardwalk Empires (Steve Buscemmi is amazeballs in that) and Chalky was one of our favorite side characters in that (Omar in the Wire).

I know we are late to the party, but we are really digging it! Only get in 1-2 episodes a night when kids go to bed around 9:30 or so, but we sacrifice sleep for quiet chill time to catch up on our sex/violence/nudity shows we don't want the kids to see.
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We are half way through season 2 and loving this shit. Wife and I watched shows like Soprabos, Breaking Bad, Ray Donovan and such, so this was right up our alley. Only started watching it because we binged Boardwalk Empires (Steve Buscemmi is amazeballs in that) and Chalky was one of our favorite side characters in that (Omar in the Wire).

I know we are late to the party, but we are really digging it! Only get in 1-2 episodes a night when kids go to bed around 9:30 or so, but we sacrifice sleep for quiet chill time to catch up on our sex/violence/nudity shows we don't want the kids to see.

Ive tried to remember to spoiler tag stuff but keep weary of reading through the thread.
Maybe I'm looking at this wrong but is dookie supposed to be a parallel to marlow? And Michael one to Chris? Maybe it's just me keep in mind I'm pretty high when I watch this. But Michael told Dookie something about having a talented mind when dookie is upset he can't fight or shoot. At the same time Chris does most of the killing on marlows behalf while Marlow is the brains. Therefore dookie is the brains and Michael is the muscle. is this making sense?
nah dook is bubbles at best
nard dawg is marlo
and mike is omar

also all wire heads should read Homicide by david simon
Yo Omars comin...

I liked the Wire a lot but I almost feel like it's overrated. It's kind of "cool" to say the wire is the greatest show ever but I don't really think it is. It's pretty damn good don't get me wrong but IMO Breaking Bad shits on it. Much better show. Even early seasons of OZ on HBO I think are better.

Man I’m a breaking bad fan but you’re high as giraffe pussy comparing the wire to BB. The depth of character development isn’t even close. Not remotely close.
You have two options, fight the pace of The Wire or slow down and enjoy the silence between everything in it. From that silence, I experienced the genius of it but it’s not always easy to settle in and enjoy that space when the mind is used to bouncing to the next exciting thing.
One more episode to go. I'll get to it at some point today.

srsly spoiler ahead
I hate the way Omar went out.
One more episode to go. I'll get to it at some point today.

srsly spoiler ahead
I hate the way Omar went out.
Everybody does. I happened to have it spoiled the first 5 minutes I ever watched when I popped an episode on randomly when BET was playing it.
Finished season 5. It was almost a 9/10 season but because of certain choices they made i have to bump it down. 8/10

Season 1: 7.5/10
Season 2: 8/10
Season 3: 9/10
Season 4: 9.5/10
Season 5: 8/10

Overall average score: 8.4/10

Overall score on the series as a whole in retrospect: 9/10.

Bonus points for a monologue about Tang: +.5

Final score: 9.2/10
Finished season 5. It was almost a 9/10 season but because of certain choices they made i have to bump it down. 8/10

Season 1: 7.5/10
Season 2: 8/10
Season 3: 9/10
Season 4: 9.5/10
Season 5: 8/10

Overall average score: 8.4/10

Overall score on the series as a whole in retrospect: 9/10.

Bonus points for a monologue about Tang: +.5

Final score: 9.2/10
Id say first time i went through the wire my score was similar to yours but it changes after running it back multiple times.

Now id say season 1 is my favorite and 4 is nearer the bottom
I was excited to watch this being a fan of law and order. Seemed like a similar show and I know Munch shows up at some point.

Its pretty good but I can't say I'm super blown away yet. Don't add spoilers but when does the show take off? I'm in it till the end either way.
It's a slow burn that pays off in the end. It was also really groundbreaking at the time. I haven't really re-watched the show that much, especially not lately.

The general consensus among fans seems to be that season 3 is the best. I would agree with that. There are 5 seasons altogether. Each season has a different focus. Season 1 focuses on the drug trade in West Baltimore. Season 2 focuses on the port and its workers and who controls them. Season 3 has essentially the same focus as season 1, but is a more perfected version and they also delve into the political world more. Season 4 focuses on the school system and its troubled students and also focuses more on Marlo's operation rather than the Barksdales'. Season 5 focuses on the newspaper industry as it loses money and relevancy and the desperation that causes within that structure. And the institution of the police department is explored throughout the series.

The overall theme of the show according to creator David Simon is about various institutions within society and the affect that they have on the individuals who operate within those institutions. Personally, I think the series is GOAT level but it's debatable. Breaking Bad may have ended on a higher note. The Sopranos may have had a better lead or better acting overall. But The Wire was always a quality show and a true original.
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