Elections 26 FBI Informants Present on Jan 6

Answered that.

Nothing to do with this thread. The theory that it somehow gets Joe off with his evil plan is beyond stupid. I'll also note that before you went off the deep end, I told you that if Biden got the nomination, he'd get smeared with bullshit accusations just like Clinton and hated the same, and you didn't buy it. Now you believe the smears!

Wrong. And "can't be honest' to you hacks just means "you don't blindly agree with my party." I think making false accusations just because someone makes you mad is low AF.

What are you talking about? Off your meds?
If you know me then you know I'm open to other positions.... again you will just keep posting when most here think of you the way I posted.... because it's true haha you Irish block. I've even white knighted you in here check the archives. Call it what you want.... but I've haven't resulted to insults on any exchange with you. You do. Instead of engaging you choose ro do that.
If you know me then you know I'm open to other positions.... again you will just keep posting when most here think of you the way I posted.... because it's true haha you Irish block. I've even white knighted you in here check the archives. Call it what you want.... but I've haven't resulted to insults on any exchange with you. You do. Instead of engaging you choose ro do that.
The fuck are you talking about? You questioned my honesty ITT for no reason at all. You attacked me in another thread for not agreeing that 1.5% is more than 5%. Your whole thing these days is personal attacks when people don't toe the line.
The fuck are you talking about? You questioned my honesty ITT for no reason at all. You attacked me in another thread for not agreeing that 1.5% is more than 5%. Your whole thing these days is personal attacks when people don't toe the line.
Ok man haha. See how many agree. Start a poll... don't gaf.... I have a track record of opposite of what you say so don't gaf about that either...you dont...
Trumpers don't know what an informant is apparently. Informants aren't agents and it was likely right wingers selling their buddies out. Not shocking.

Ok man haha. See how many agree. Start a poll... don't gaf.... I have a track record of opposite of what you say so don't gaf about that either...you dont...
What does that mean? You said what you said. Doesn't matter if you can get a bunch of hacks to say otherwise. It matters what's true.
So what I said is true.

Just like your dumb claim that 1.5% is more than 5% (or whatever the actual number is--4-point-something). Lots of Republicans here all agree it is, but still it isn't.
Keep shifting and trolling bud. That's all you are known for.....
"feds " is colloquially used to define any form of direct or indirect relation with law enforcement. that said, while the source doesn't say it, i am sure there were actual law enforcement officers in the crowd. actual feds, besides the "feds".
That's a stretch

Feds would imply they are officers

Informants are snitches that did this on their own
The FBI should have informants embedded in suspect groups. The thing that I wonder is is Trump going to name them or pull them out of their positions?
Ok man...literally noone would agree... that you don't endlessly respond and always just defend your side. Drink a Guinness and get some rest....
Why do you keep running to that claim? I know there are other mindless hacks here. So what? I thought we agreed that truth is truth.
LOL at you pulling a number out of your ass and making a claim that would mean the people you're trying to pin the blame on were working to keep Biden from being certified so Trump could continue trying to overturn the election. Some of you guys don't put much thought into your arguments.
They lied saying added 818k jobs where added. They said the covid vaccine prevents infection than said it makes not as bad. They lied about crime decreasing the FBI stealthily revised the stats adding 1699 murders and 7,780 rapes and other crimes showing it increased by 4.5%.

Just keep believing whatever government people first tell you when they have be repeatedly been caught lying.
only 26 snitches?

i thought there would have been more considering the amount of people who snitched out their own family members who went to the capitol with them just so that they could cop a better plea deal and not have to spend as much time in jail.

it started with 26 snitches, but by the time 1300+ of them got arrested it probably ballooned into over a thousand! i mean most of these people had to have a public defender represent them during their trials because they couldn't afford their own lawyers, so of course when they are that destitute they're going to drop dime on their homeboys and cooperate with the feds just to get a reduced sentence because they already know they done fucked their lives up and cult daddy trump ain't coming to their rescue. he wouldn't even bother to pay his own lawyers and he pardoned the guy who stole their wall money instead, so why would he care about any of these sad sacks of shit?

i find it funny how the maga trash who stormed the capitol had no problem snitching out their own loved ones to the feds and selling out their own children and parents just to receive a lesser sentence, but none of these maga pukes ever dropped a single name of an actual fbi agent or antifa member during any single one of their trials. not a single peep out of them. how strange!

either the maga trash decided to take the fall for antifa & the fbi because they really wanted to get turned out in prison for honeybuns and they have more loyalty towards the fbi and antifa than they do towards their own friends and family members, or they actually are antifa or fbi members and now trump wants to pardon them teehee! that is the narrative the maga dorks invented to try to shift the blame and excuse their actions. good luck trying to spin their way out of that.

i know one thing, if i ever decide to go on a crime spree, i'm going to look for a dude in a maga hat to be my accomplice, and then i'm going to tell him that i'm an antifa member or i work for the fbi. that way i'll know for sure that i'll be safe and i won't have to worry about being snitched on and arrested if they get caught, because if they know that i'm antifa or the fbi, these cultists will snitch on their own mothers and send them to prison before they ever drop dime on me!
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You mean the entire democrat platform? I wonder why they didn't give preemptive blanket pardons to their whole criminal organization in 2016, but feel the need to now, even though they totally didn't do nothin, and the incoming president is the same guy who won in 2016.
After the '16 election Trump couldn't fill his cabinet with Trump Organization loyalists the way he's doing now. His original Administration was made up mostly of people who were qualified for their positions and were loyal to the United States and our Constitution. Trump got a lot of push back trying to take illegal actions and the people around him told him no, that they'd resign, and that he'd go to jail.

This time around he doesn't want his picks to need Senate confirmation and has been choosing loyalists that mostly aren't even qualified for the position. He doesn't want the group that normally vets candidates to background check his picks and in fact wants to gut the agency. During his last administration he forced the Government to give his SIL clearance and now he wants to do that with all his cabinet.

Trump is a liar and has been looking for scapegoats for his crimes the last 4 years. To turn a blind eye to all the evidence that has been uncovered in that time, and all the indictments and guilty pleas, to claim it was actually Wray and the FBI responsible for 1/6 just shows your bias. Trump is trying to tumble pillars of our Democracy to consolidate his power and some of you goofs are cheering along strictly because of your political affiliations.