25 Minority Characters That Hollywood Whitewashed

Big budget movie production is an investment, not an exercise in authenticity or social justice. Those decisions made are based on return of investment, and little else.

True, but explain why they change characters into gays or put traditionally white characters black or female? Yet with asians its okay to just not cast them is it an investment or an agenda?
True, but explain why they change characters into gays or put traditionally white characters black or female? Yet with asians its okay to just not cast them is it an investment or an agenda?
The answer to both questions is the same: ROI.
I think anything made prior to the 70's should just be considered "Duh". It was a more racist time period and there were far less opportunities for minorities.

Some of them are kinda stupid though. Like Drive. "oh, she was originally written as Latina. But the writer/director met with some he felt was a better fit for the character he created. WHITEWASH!".

I haven't seen Cloud Atlas, but I thought the characters live again as other people or something?
I wonder if they will give him a spray tan and dark contacts

They should've cast Jason Scott Lee.


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