2018 PotWR Round 1: Registration/Campaign Announcements

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@SidJustice , you are 10 posts short of the 200 posts criteria. Please post in the WR a few more times and try to re-register

@Only Here for Attachments & @SongXIII , you need quite a few more posts to meet the 200 post criteria

Like 10 people have already registered you. How many promises have you made?
Guess I have dropped off a bit this year, will shit post it up a bit.
I'm new to all this, who is the current POTWR?

Fellow denizens,

Instead of something more traditional, such as sermon or prayer, please allow this bit of history to provide the reflection and spiritual guidance guidance our humanity so craves in these hard times of decision-making and change.

Taking inspiration from the pioneers of history, it’s time we turn our attention to the matter currently at stake. A battle looms. A battle over control of a sticky-thread. Some will tell you it’s just another sticky-thread. There to quickly scroll past on the way to our steady diets of scathing opinions and brutal facts. Some will tell you it's a partisan quest for power. For narrative. For superiority of ideology. For bragging rights. Thus far it has been. And it's something I hope to change.


Please hear me out on the following three topics:
  • Something our community lacks and how to add it.
  • Investment in our community.
  • Motives.


Not community. We love it here. Outsiders call it a bad habit. I call it a higher pursuit. And like any living organism, we’re not perfect. We ebb. We flow. We hurt and feel. We’re men and women of courage though. Made of something a cut above. We challenge each other on topics not easily understood and digested. We do so with fact and fiction. All in an attempt to one-up the other. And in the War Room that’s the name of the game. It’s the allure and will of the Just Bleed God.

While our battles here aren't physical, we batter each other mentally. We use whatever dirty moves we can to rustle our foes, hoping they break. We target opinions to snuff out, akin to territorial pissing. And we love it. But there’s rumblings of wanting more. I’ve shared in those rumblings. The rumblings that criticize the lack of respectful and productive conversation. The lack of simple tact, let alone statesmanship. This campaign is here to propose a place of cleansing. A more formal gathering where We the Pigs People of the War Room have occasion to wash off that sweet, sweet muck and glorious slop in which we root and revel.


  • 20 thread topics running 2 weeks each in the sticky section. There's approximately 43 weeks during the term. The extra three weeks will be easy to fill and we use them for a thread that goes long. Consider those weeks open-ended.
  • Civil and respectful discourse only. These 20 threads will be to put our best foot forward.
  • On-topic posts only. If the thread-starter decides something is off-topic, then it is.
  • Threads hosted by community members, as much as possible. As President the intent is to never start a thread myself. Of course, I'll fill in any participation gaps.
  • When the primaries begin, polls will be held via an upcoming Cubo de Sangre Town Hall Meeting thread to determine the most popular ideas for thread types. The specifics of thread content and thread starters will be based on the results.



  • One-on-one debate
  • Expert ask-me-anything
  • Hot-button issue that never fucking goes away and for once we'd like to see discussed civilly
  • Common misconceptions by those lacking professional knowledge
  • State of the War Room (observations on our fellow posters)
  • A current event too hot to handle by normal standards
  • Feel-good current events
  • An OP composed jointly by posters with opposing viewpoints
  • Change my mind
  • Your best hookers and blow stories (or some reasonable facsimile)



By contributing. Not just sharing what you'd like to see, or by becoming a thread-starter, but also by participating from thread to thread. This will both help the topics evolve and strengthen the discourse. More importantly, we'll create different interactions due to the environment, which might then bleed over elsewhere in the forum. Maybe we gain newfound respect for others we'd previously written off. One thing is for certain, without traffic we've got nothing. In that sense we all need each other.



The simple answer is my desire to see the plan outlined above implemented. But that wouldn't tell the whole story of why I'm willing to suffer the harsh criticisms that are sure to come. Why I'm risking that kick in the ego of losing a popularity contest. So beyond the benefits we'll all share in, of course there are things more personal. Yes, validation from one's peers is precious and something I'd cherish. But know I'd never throw it in anyone's face. Perhaps what's most important is a need for creativity. A need to take on a project of interest. The hope of finding an appreciative audience and delivering the goods.


So on humble knee, I honorably request my fellow War Room citizens to please consider me for our Presidency. In an effort to champion non-partisan, and open-minded representation, I announce my candidacy to we the voters. My friends. My antagonists. My family by choice.

I'm also pleased to announce @Gutter Chris will be running on the ticket as Vice President.

Au revoir, Scum.




*Official notification for @Lead the venerable, as per the rules.







I don't often register, but when I do, it's to vote on a karate forum.
I'm new to all this, who is the current POTWR?

@HomerThompson was elected last year. After he was banned, his VP @luckyshot became the interim President of the War Room

@Lead I'd like to be registered.

And @irish_thug you should be running.

With the newer join date, you cannot be registered this year. However, you still are free to help run campaigns, get others to run, etc. It seems like you are already doing that with irish

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