130 going up to 160


Blue Belt
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
i need some supplement suggestions

im a lanky 130 pounder and im very slick on the ground
the prob is must judo and jiujitsu tourneys dont have my weight class
so if u knw any good weight gainers let me knw
What tournaments are you entering? Every NAGA or GQ tournament I've entered has a fly (129 and under) and a light weight (130-149.9) class typically. I'd think in California there'd be plenty of guys who compete at this size.
Food is supposed to be a good weight gainer.
It cant get any simpler.

just shoot them up your ass!

You think you're so smart! Here's a question for you Mr. Smarty Pants: how are supposed to cycle this "food"?

Good question. I would start a cycle when you get up, and then go off again until mid-morning. You don't want to keep doing it, you'll become a full time food abuser. Luckily, food almost never shows up on drug tests.
You think you're so smart! Here's a question for you Mr. Smarty Pants: how are supposed to cycle this "food"?

I couldn't eat and cycle at the same time

It makes me queasy thinking about it
i need some supplement suggestions

im a lanky 130 pounder and im very slick on the ground
the prob is must judo and jiujitsu tourneys dont have my weight class
so if u knw any good weight gainers let me knw

How old are you? Most grappling circuits have lower weight divisions. Also, I wouldn't worry about getting to 160 if the weight cutoff is right at 160. You'll be kicking yourself if you do that and a new division is formed.
Eat more and strength trainin. Be as strong as an "average" 160 lbs at only 140 lbs. When the lighter division pops up (I imagine it will in California with the popularity of MMA and grappling now), you'll be strong and just have to cut 10 lbs.