This flick is more frightening than any of the poll options.
This movie was fantastic. It should have been a massive hit in the US.
They're fucking remaking it for the US and it comes out in a few months.
I ain't watching it.
Kubrick being KubrickHalloween is my favorite from the list but I like them all. The Shining however has an atmosphere that I've never felt before or since. From the opening credits, something feels "off" about the movie that I just can't place and that makes it a masterpiece.
The problem is....they’ll try to make it their own. If they’re going to remake it, they should use the same director, the same dialogue, the same score, maybe even the same actors. The only difference would be that it’s in English and no subtitles would be needed.
Out of them I voted Rosemary's Baby. Polanski could set a mood like no other director
As lame as it sounds, the only movie that ever actually had me on the verge of shitting my pants was Event Horizon
The Children (1980) scared the shit out of me when I was little, something about radiated kids burning people with their touch.
In before the dork brigade suggests serbian film and other shitty foreign films.
The a-pex of the genre is The Shining, The Exorcist, The Omen, Alien and possibly The Thing. Those are the true heavyweights.
Then you have movies like Carrie in a different tier.