Social 1/3 of young German men think violence against women is a ok

Cherry Brigand

Red Belt
Sep 9, 2009
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From CNN:
A third of young men in Germany find it acceptable to use violence against women, according to a new survey which has caused outrage among gender equality campaigners.

The survey was commissioned by children’s charity Plan International Germany. Its findings were published in regional newspaper Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung.

A group of 1,000 men and 1,000 women aged 18-35 from across Germany were asked to give their views on masculinity for the study, which was carried out online.

34% of men from that age bracket admitted to being violent towards their female partner in the past, to “instil respect in them.” 33% said they thought it was acceptable if their “hand slipped” occasionally during an argument with their partner.

In Germany when you see she left the cap off the toothpaste:

A lot of women get the confidence to get in a random guy's face on the street because they get away with it at home with their husband. At some point, they're gonna run into some psycho who's going to chop her up and eat her for her tomfoolery. If only her husband smacked her a few times so she wouldn't do something so dangerous.

Guys, do the right thing. Smack her to save her.

The only acceptable time for violence against women is when they break your UFC hotdog brander. You need to use the double wrist grab while lifting one knee to protect your groin for 99 percent of the situations.
ok now how many are ok with violence against other men?