“It’s easier to fool people than to....


Blue Belt
Apr 22, 2014
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“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.” – Mark Twain

Agree or disagree with this quote?

For me this quote is very true. Most of the time I can't even convince my family when they are being fooled. It doesn't matter if it's by our government, by a friend, by some company, but it seems a lot of people rather be fooled than to be told to be fooled.
very true, its hard admitting to getting owned.
Fool me once, shame on you
Fool me twice...
Well the point is were not getting fooled again eh heh heh heh.
Depends on the personality. The type that learns quickly from mistakes while admitting said mistakes is a breed of maturity that is, unfortunately, the minority.

I know some ridiculously delusional people that go to absolutely insane measures to convince themselves they haven't made mistakes or been taken advantage of. It baffles me sometimes that they've gotten through life and learned anything at all.
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discussions of trump with my family immediately came to my mind reading that.
completly true, people wont realize how deep in the con they are, for example they still keep voting
I immediately thought of the Affordable Care Act, and most non-wealthy Republicans' irrational disdain for it, when I read the OP.

I actually know people who have benefited from the ACA, and yet still decry "Obamacare" like it heralds the downfall of our society.

"People booed facts at the Republican presidential debate"
It's funny. It's actually pointless to watch debates even if you're a voter that's on the fence. Any candidate can easily make up some bullshit on the spot and no one is going to fact check them at that time. It's usually some form of media who fact checks them at a later time, but more people are exposed to the debate than to the fact checker so more people will probably believe the BS.

It's always better to research online where each candidate falls in regards to the issues instead of watching the circus that are these debates.
Absolutely true. No doubt about it. Often when you are trying to fool someone you are appealing to their vanity, their sense of worth, or otherwise giving them what they need. If you try to convince someone they have been fooled, you are only offering them misery.

Don't really want to sidetrack things or really go down this road, but it helps explain religion.
Many people, if not most, are habitual liars. The big hope is that humanity will one day shed this all too common, crass trait.
I think it has to do with whether you base your beliefs on emotions or facts.

If you believe in something false and illogical (i.e., you've been fooled) , for example, religion, your reasons for believing that are purely emotional. No amount of facts or evidence will change how you *feel*.

Another example if love. Your girlfriend might have messed up 1000 times, but you keep giving her another chance thinking she'll change because your decision is emotional.

"People booed facts at the Republican presidential debate"

I fear for this goddamn country.
I am a descendant of his. True story.

And I agree with the quote.
That entirely depends on how much time and effort they have already put into the belief they've been fooled.

If I just told someone some random fake fact, and when they seem convinced, immediately told them it was fake, it will be easy for them to admit they've been fooled. But the longer you keep it up and the more they have to work to maintain that belief, the harder it would be for them to let go.
It's very true. Back when crop circles were being made in Great Britain. One group sent a sealed envelope with a diagram of the design they were going to make to a news service. They video recorded themselves making the design. They waited until the crop circle "experts" declared it genuine before they told the news service to open the envelope.

Even with all of the evidence, the self proclaimed experts still claimed it was impossible for humans to make in the time involved. People believe what they want to believe.