Social ‘We are seeking to discriminate’: lesbian group wanting to exclude trans women compares itself to Melbourne gay bar

lol at lesbians excluding bi-chicks.

There's a lot of animosity within the gay community. It's not one big homogenous happy family like the left wants us to believe.

- A lot of lesbians don't respect gay men because they consider them to be too promiscuous (gives the community a bad name).

- A lot of gay men don't like lesbians because they consider them to be prudish, boring and 'sticks in the mud'.

- Both groups don't have too much time for bi people, they see them as being fairweather and non-committal to the cause / scared to fully commit to homsexuality.

- Many of the above don't think trannies should be grouped in with them whatsoever seen as though transgenderism has nothing to do with sexual orientation, which is what the entire community is based upon.
That's not quite where I was coming from. The lesbian and gay community but especially lesbians are coming out against trans people and they have really good reasons for doing so. First of all, they are women who had to fight really hard just like all women for their own private restrooms and public spaces. It's should not be forgotten that women had to fight really hard just to get their own restrooms away from men and up until that point had to experience harassment and intimidation by men in those private spaces.

Likewise, all kinds of other spaces set aside for women like changing rooms, shelters, prisons, sports teams etc, are very important safeguards against violence/competition from men. But it's just not violence that they're worried about. It's just their own privacy away from men who are usually more dominant so that women can just be women and just have the conversations that women have when men aren't around.

So when men come along claiming to be women and demand access to all of those spaces, including in some cases lesbians vaginas!! then there's a real problem here that must be dealt with.

So it turns out that lesbian women are among the first to see the problems with men pretending to be women and demanding to be recognized as such, and the dangers and discomfort associated with that.

I see many lesbians as allies in the struggle against the pretense that men can become women and so I don't want to take joy in any infighting but rather want to see and recognize them as allies and helpers in the struggle against losing private spaces and also losing our ability to designate the difference between men and women.

As to the fingers versus penis size thing, all I can tell you is any lesbians I know who wants a penis definitely have dildos bigger than the average penis IF they want them!!! And they strap them on and use them quite effectively on each other and I doubt many men have much on those women in that area!

Be careful... Opinions like this in public are a great way to get an ANTIFA mob at your doorstep.

There can be no questioning the Trans movement

You're either all in... or a Transphobe
There's a lot of animosity within the gay community. It's not one big homogenous happy family like the left wants us to believe.

- A lot of lesbians don't respect gay men because they consider them to be too promiscuous (gives the community a bad name).

- A lot of gay men don't like lesbians because they consider them to be prudish, boring and 'sticks in the mud'.

- Both groups don't have too much time for bi people, they see them as being fairweather and non-committal to the cause / scared to fully commit to homsexuality.

- Many of the above don't think trannies should be grouped in with them whatsoever seen as though transgenderism has nothing to do with sexual orientation, which is what the entire community is based upon.
I learned this 2 decades ago during a undergrad class argument about 'gold star' lesbians.