Your dream job you could actually achieve?

I was really into animating when I was younger. I would have pursued it as a hobby if it were profitable. It takes an insane amount of work though and Youtube made shorter videos unmonetizable.
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As for me, I always imagined this field of rye, where all these kids would be playing. And I’m standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff—I mean if they’re running and they don’t look where they’re going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That’s all I’d do all day. I’d just be the catcher in the rye and all.
Philosophy professor. Will achieve it, grad studies are just on hold while I address lingering mental health issues.
Believe, Conceive, achieve brother.
Marine biologist is one of those jobs they sell to naive college students.

There's probably a million people with this degree competing for 12 paying jobs in this field.

One of the users said that, out of all students that graduated from colleges and universities, only 27% end up in the jobs and careers that their majors were actually in.
Career Comedian that makes an above average living

I’ve been doing comedy for 7 years now and I’m to the point where it can pay the bills (with the help of my Wife’s job too, about 50/50). But my goal is to be making enough so she doesn’t have to work and I have a decent enough following that leads to a good amount of money.

I think there’s definitely a possibility that I can achieve that. Im better off than a lot of 7 year comics atm, and I live in Austin TX which has been launching a good amount of comedy careers lately.

However I’m just trying to take my time and improve as much as possible. I’d honestly rather strike it big once I feel like I’m at the top of my ability, and currently I think I can improve a lot.
One of the users said that, out of all students that graduated from colleges and universities, only 27% end up in the jobs and careers that their majors were actually in.
But i only need to go for some swimming lessons.
I always thought being a house hubby would be easy but I'm going fucking insane. Guys I really recommend not fucking your back to the point of spinal surgery
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Career Comedian that makes an above average living

I’ve been doing comedy for 7 years now and I’m to the point where it can pay the bills (with the help of my Wife’s job too, about 50/50). But my goal is to be making enough so she doesn’t have to work and I have a decent enough following that leads to a good amount of money.

I think there’s definitely a possibility that I can achieve that. Im better off than a lot of 7 year comics atm, and I live in Austin TX which has been launching a good amount of comedy careers lately.

However I’m just trying to take my time and improve as much as possible. I’d honestly rather strike it big once I feel like I’m at the top of my ability, and currently I think I can improve a lot.
Have any video you're willing to share? Risky with the dickheads on here I guess
Mine would be a marine biologist diver. I like being in water and exploring the unknown has always seemed sick to me.

I know I'm not ever going to be an astronaut or gynecologist but being the guy who dives into the ocean and helps the marine biologist nerds I feel like I could do it.

So that's my dream job that's actually within grasp. What's yours?
I have a friend who does that, or has, it's a job where people really want to do it and it requires high qualifications. You essentially do it at cost because so many wealthy people want to do the work cos it's fun and saving the planet.

My dream attainable job would be singer in a band. It just doesn't jive with the home life I want to live. That or voice actor, I have a voice similar to Matt Berry. I'm constantly considering the home studio set up. Currently helping out my parents with their business too much to do elsewise.

Another buddy of mine does search and rescue, marine diving. That's more possible as it pays ok, less people want to be diving for serious shit in the muddy UK waters.
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Already have it as a landscape photographer, would just like to be rather more successful lol.
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I have a friend who does that, or has, it's a job where people really want to do it and it requires high qualifications. You essentially do it at cost because so many wealthy people want to do the work cos it's fun and saving the planet.

My dream attainable job would be singer in a band. It just doesn't jive with the home life I want to live. That or voice actor, I have a voice similar to Matt Berry. I'm constantly considering the home studio set up. Currently helping out my parents with their business too much to do elsewise.

Another buddy of mine does search and rescue, marine diving. That's more possible as it pays ok, less people want to be diving for serious shit in the muddy UK waters.
You're killing my vibe man.
Marine biologist is one of those jobs they sell to naive college students.

There's probably a million people with this degree competing for 12 paying jobs in this field.
Everybody I knew growing up, including myself, wanted to be a marine biologist, astronaut, or archeologist. I know zero people in any of those professions....
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Dream job that I could actually achieve?

I suppose owning a hazardous waste disposal company.
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