Social You have to lose two of your senses, what are they?

Smell and taste.

Not a foodie, so dont really care, and smell because then even the attractive girls who smell a bit, just got a little bit hotter. Hippie chick smells of patchouli now is not so bad.
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Smell and taste are the obvious ones but I would like to stop seeing dead people also.

Anyone who says touch isn't thinking about their dick.
What are our main senses?

For me personally, I'm keeping my hearing and eyesight. I'd likely get rid of my sense of smell and touch, because I want to taste great food still.
My dad lost his smell and lots of taste in a car wreck in 1984. He's doing alright. That's my pick
You smell and taste Gen Zers can eat all the buttholes your little heart's desire.
Smell and taste are the only possible answers. Anything else and you're fucked for life. Sight and touch are obvious but as someone who takes care of an elderly parent with hearing loss, you do not want to lose that or skimp on the best damn hearing aids you can afford. Hearing is critical for interacting and understanding the world around you, and hearing loss is highly correlated with dementia and Alzheimer's. If you can't hear what's going on, you tend to zone out and ignore things and your mind degrades. Communicating with others also becomes strained and that exacerbates the mental decline.
You must really like eating to give up touch over taste.
As a musician I would rather be blind than deaf.

Smell would be the first sense I would part with and I am not sure I would even miss it. I don't have a good sense of smell naturally and I could go the rest of my days without smelling shit, bad breath or facts ever again.

What's left?


I guess taste. That would make it easier to stay lean and healthy.

Need touch and hearing for music, sight is incredibly useful for not walking into shit and because there is so much beautiful and amazing shit to observe.

So yeah, I guess I would part with taste & smell.
I choose to lose my common sense and my jar of cents on my dresser.
Smell and taste, food is great but the other senses are more important.
Smell and taste, and im not even close to considering another option.

My health would be over 9,000

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