Words that sound dirty or bad.....but aren't

There's a word for being cheap that sounds an awful lot like a racial slur.
I was going to bring this up. Someone I worked with used the term when describing a really stingy client and even though I was aware of the etymology and correct definition it still blew my mind. The word pre-dates the racial slur by centuries, but the fact that it’s almost phonetically identical just makes it a poor choice in this day and age. People got upset about the email and the whole was fucking dumb because of how easily avoidable it was.
I was going to bring this up. Someone I worked with used the term when describing a really stingy client and even though I was aware of the etymology and correct definition it still blew my mind. The word pre-dates the racial slur by centuries, but the fact that it’s almost phonetically identical just makes it a poor choice in this day and age. People got upset about the email and the whole was fucking dumb because of how easily avoidable it was.

Yeah, there are enough alternatives to just avoid that term. It doesn't even improve communication at this point. The "is that OK to say" factor overshaddows whatever was being said.
Angina - Chest pain
Coccyx - Tail bone
Penal - Punishment, prison
Poop Deck - Part of a ship
Ballcock - Part of a toilet
Pusillanimous: lacking courage or determination; timid.

Also, a word for a suppressed laugh, usually in a scornful way that sounds like Snicker

Don't want to get teh ban
