Why Hillary Clinton Not Forced To Disavow Anthony Weiner?

Because the left wing media won't force them to like they do conservatives
I don't believe that any of the libs in here acting bewildered actually don't understand that the point of this thread is to show the hypocrisy that conservatives are expected to disavow people and liberals aren't. They just don't want to give up their hobby of shaming conservatives by association so they are playing dumb.

Exactly, it's only guilty by association when it's someone on the right.
I don't believe that any of the libs in here acting bewildered actually don't understand that the point of this thread is to show the hypocrisy that conservatives are expected to disavow people and liberals aren't. They just don't want to give up their hobby of shaming conservatives by association so they are playing dumb.
Yes, the entire affair with Trump and Duke was entirely media created and was most definitely an attempt to shame by association. Trump's unwillingness to shame Duke was due to his mistrust of the media, while it was easily spun as a sign that he harbored Klan sympathies.