Why Can’t We Let Monkey Live With Us

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I’m sorry son, this job isn’t working out. We’re letting you go but we need you to train your monkey replacement before you go.
Because all primates have one thing in mind.

They are pests. Some white dude fed a family of monkeys living up a small forested section in KL while I was in Malaysia. He would drop the fruits near the side of the road every morning. A couple weeks later, these monkeys were crossing the roads and going into people's houses.
There used to be a shit ton hanging around the park area right around the mall. Were annoying as fuck.

And in Penang they are everywhere
Monkey does live with us.

Wouldn’t they evolve faster if they got used to living the way humans do, with food and hygiene at least.

Evolution requires generations. Literally. The only way they would evolve faster is if we made them fuck a lot sooner than they normally would, and culled the population to eliminate certain traits.
I always face palm when I see people feed monkeys and think they're like pets. It's only a matter of time before that thing bites you and gives you rabies or steals your shit and runs off into the jungle with it. Wild animals are wild animals. They're not dogs who have been domesticated for 15 thousand years. We should leave animals alone in their natural habitat.

Also that's an orangutan. An ape, not a monkey.
I have not seen Orangutan's be violent toward Humans, but Chimps are fucking savages that will rip your face off.
So in this lighthearted thread I been called a Dumbass and Stupid.

@lsa can you ask your boyfriend @Slobodan to just ban me, I really don’t need this.

If that's all you been called then that's a great achievement. Most TS' don't get away that easily here.
How do you abuse an animal then blame it for being agressive. In other climates the same animal is acting friendly. Also don't leave too much guns around cause monekys and dingos and kangaroos can abuse them. I don't know what to tell you.
I don’t know much about anything but I heard that human only evolved cause we learned to cook our food and got more nutrients from it and that made our brains work better, so if that is true, what couldn’t we speed up the process for monkeys by feed a certain group a special diet to help them evolve quicker. I bet they could have their own civilization in 100yrs if we help them.
I do hope they give you a professorship at Columbia . This all sounds well thought out.
I seen this video a few months ago and wonder what would happen if we just let them live with us in society. Wouldn’t they evolve faster if they got used to living the way humans do, with food and hygiene at least.

This dude understands the basics of using clothes to protect his skin.

What would happen in ten yrs if people were just walking around with these things in the everyday lives. Wouldn’t they start to act like us?

You know why? Because they are smarter than a large portion of humans and humanity can't have that.

For instance- they know that chimps and orangutans are actually apes, not monkeys.
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