What's up with moon landing leftovers ?

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Jan 26, 2015
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There should be a lunar lander left on the moon , a flag, and many other stuff that was supposed to be on the moon atm.
Are there any telescope or satellite images where those are visible ?
I've heard it explained before but I can't remember the answer but it made since
This can be answered quite simply through the theory of relativity. You have to realize the moon has less gravity. There is also no atmosphere like clouds and northern lights to keep things stable. And being closer to the sun, the gamma rays are way stronger. You can also tell by the scars on the moon's surface that things like comets and Quarks are always hitting the moon. So anything on the moon will either get covered in moon dust from the intense solar winds, or float into space and into the earths or Suns orbit.
No telescopes are high enough resolution to make them out.
where ever we go, we will pollute and leave shit behind.
Why are they sailors when there is no water on the moon? Why are they even moon girls, too? I have been staring at the moon with my telescope looking for something to jack off to for days and they ain't there and asteroid craters ain't doing anything for my cock.

The Apache Point observatory in New Mexico and others around the world fire lasers at reflectors left on the moon by Apollo astronauts to measure the distance between the Earth and the moon.
If you think thats bad, you should see what they left on Uranus
why arent there a bunch of 24/7 live video feeds from satellites showing all kinds of stuff from space or the moon, cameras are cheap

why is JFK associated with the moon landings when it was during the Nixon administration that all the Apollo missions occured

why have we never had a human pass through the van allen belts since the moon missions and why was it so easy then but the Orion and Artemis projects have such a difficult time

how did a bunch of bra seamstresses at playtex create perfectly functioning spacesuits

there is a long list of this stuff and at some point you have to wonder if its true or if it it just cool to think about, when you suspend your disbelief you are extremely gullible and if you have been trained by movies and TV shows to do it all the time and never really engage in critical thinking are you being made to look like a fool and was this type of dynamic why it was so easy to convince a bunch of people the common cold was a super killer poison cloud virus taking over the world (like the movie contagion ofc)