Wearing shorts in the wintertime on a warm day


Good Times
Jun 13, 2015
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Today it's unseasonably warm so I busted out shorts. It's not too cold for shorts but granted it's not HOT out, it's just nice

Everybody keeps commenting saying stupid things like

"It's winter!"

"It's February!"

Yeah, no shit, I also know how to use a calendar. You dress for the weather not for a calendar

It really blows my mind so many people are so oblivious to current weather conditoons and still wear a thick assed winter coat, hats and mitts on a +5 degree (Canada Celcious) day

Fuck why do I bother you Americans don't won't get it cause you can't handle cold.

We have a fellow Canadian friend who's always cold and we tell him to go back to America.
when i see people wear shorts or sandals in the winter i think they're poor
Today it's unseasonably warm so I busted out shorts. It's not too cold for shorts but granted it's not HOT out, it's just nice

Everybody keeps commenting saying stupid things like

"It's winter!"

"It's February!"

Yeah, no shit, I also know how to use a calendar. You dress for the weather not for a calendar

It really blows my mind so many people are so oblivious to current weather conditoons and still wear a thick assed winter coat, hats and mitts on a +5 degree (Canada Celcious) day

Fuck why do I bother you Americans don't won't get it cause you can't handle cold.

We have a fellow Canadian friend who's always cold and we tell him to go back to America.

I've read your threads. It's not surprising that people who know you may suspect you don't understand how a calendar works.
The local postmen in my area wear shorts all year round... baffling.
It's 70 degrees today in my part of America, supposed to be 77 tomorrow.

That's fucking shorts weather regardless of it being February.
During Colorado winters I regularly see people in shorts. This winter has been insanely warm. It was 64 degrees or something on Sunday. No one says anything about someone wearing shorts. You could go skiing in shorts on a warm day and you wouldn't be questioned.
Chinese people here walk around in Canada Goose parkas when it's +10 C outside. That has to be sweaty as fuck.

Wear what you dig.

TS: "That's what I keep saying..."
Its 20f here(so like -7c) and I wear shorts and a hoodie. Dress to make yourself comfortable, not to appease morons.
it wasn't THAT warm yesterday...much warmer today.
The need to round up all of those people who are that here in America and ship them back to Canada then make them build a wall. Bunch of wearing shorts in February freaks.
Shorts and flip flops are for girls and poor people.
They're only acceptable at the beach or pool (shorts are of course fine for exercise )
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They probably can't stand looking at your disgusting legs.
After training or workout I'll wear shorts on the drive home.

When I was in high school i remember a few years where it was very warm in january/feb (90s) and I used to wear shorts to school.

I save teh shorts for spring and summer (early fall).