WAR ROOM LOUNGE V17: The Stuff Under Your You-Know-What

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So....about the Kavanaugh hearings...

What's the general consensus?

1) witch hunt

2) legit accusation

3) on the fence, not sure...need more evidence
So....about the Kavanaugh hearings...

What's the general consensus?

1) witch hunt

2) legit accusation

3) on the fence, not sure...need more evidence

On the fence. Sadly, with this political climate I doubt I'll ever buy it 100% regardless of the evidence, but any moves to silence or malign this woman without her testimony, or evidence to the contrary, is abhorrent.
So....about the Kavanaugh hearings...

What's the general consensus?

1) witch hunt

2) legit accusation

3) on the fence, not sure...need more evidence

Between 2 and 3 for me. I don't expect more evidence to come on the main allegation, but we could see more coming (especially if he did it--I think it's unlikely that someone would only do something like that once). As I said in the main thread, it would be better if the defense was just, "We'll never know the truth, and it's unfair to deny him the SCOTUS seat on the basis of unprovable allegations." Sickening that people actually defend him on the grounds that it was a long time ago, or that it wasn't that bad or express certainty that she's lying.
Anybody else check out the hipster tip thread. I never knew people were so angry about tipping.
Between 2 and 3 for me. I don't expect more evidence to come on the main allegation, but we could see more coming (especially if he did it--I think it's unlikely that someone would only do something like that once). As I said in the main thread, it would be better if the defense was just, "We'll never know the truth, and it's unfair to deny him the SCOTUS seat on the basis of unprovable allegations." Sickening that people actually defend him on the grounds that it was a long time ago, or that it wasn't that bad or express certainty that she's lying.


Its amazing how tribal politics has become.

I often use my FB newsfeed as a barometer of the political winds..

Needless to.say, all my friends on the right are convinced that this is a witch hunt, and all my friends on the left are convinced Kavanaugh is guilty.
So....about the Kavanaugh hearings...

What's the general consensus?

1) witch hunt

2) legit accusation

3) on the fence, not sure...need more evidence
I dunno
Tons and tons of women get sexually assualted to one degree or another; i'd be surprised to know any woman that hadn't been at least ass grabbed or whatever at some point. And the sad truth is they say nothing because historically that process is awful. Hell, ya'll ever read up on what goes into, or at least can go into, getting a rape kit done? No thank you. So when people ask why not say something, well, it makes a lot of sense. I don't know what this guy did or didn't do, but it needs to at least be taken seriously. So many people of privilege, wealth and power abuse other people sexually... and you don't magically become a shitty person overnight.

Edit: it's also worth remembering men get sexually assaulted, too, and are even less likely to report it
Anybody else check out the hipster tip thread. I never knew people were so angry about tipping.

No. I can't stand tipping or barter cultures though.
Part of the reason food service workers get shit on is because people know they can get away with it. It's socially acceptable behavior. The businesses themselves support it by giving their employees the mandate to take the abuse.
"Oh hey, I can cuss and scream at this guy and he can't do anything! He's trapped bwa ha ha! Say anything and they get fired for me being a douche!"
Terribly slanted, easily abused power relationship that shitty bullies can take advantage of.
Part of the reason food service workers get shit on is because people know they can get away with it. It's socially acceptable behavior. The businesses themselves support it by giving their employees the mandate to take the abuse.
"Oh hey, I can cuss and scream at this guy and he can't do anything! He's trapped bwa ha ha! Say anything and they get fired for me being a douche!"
Terribly slanted, easily abused power relationship that shitty bullies can take advantage of.


For real, though, good post. And very on-point. I have a lot to say on this topic, but don't want to take the time to make a very TL;DR post.
Maybe you should clarify your thoughts on justifying it because people used to beat the shit out of unfaithful women with impunity at some point in human history, so he should get leniency for attacking her after she moved on to a new relationship.
Okay that part was silly too.

The part about the plea deal and the sentence being too harsh is where I think he has a point there.
His position makes sense, people are just jumping on him because of the silly comment about how War Machine is a victim of radical feminism. That part was silly but the rest of it makes sense to me. He got life in prison even though he didn't kill her while other people who do unlawfully kill someone don't. He was denied a plea deal because the judge allowed his victim, an obviously biased party, to decide whether or not to let it happen. And the plea deal wasn't exactly a slap on the wrist either, it was 12 years.

I don't feel sorry for WM because he is a massive piece of shit and society is probably better off with him behind bars for at least 36 years instead of 12. But it does seem like he got kind of a shit deal and I think the plea deal was more appropriate than life in prison.

Yeah I did not respond to this before because you are great poster.

But what a fucking stupid hill to die on (not you the original poster). Boo hoo he got for a raw deal because a women he almost murdered got a say in how much time he spent in jail and some other POS who did other horrible things may have been treated more leniently.

The feminism BS is just confirmation that he he is going headlong down retard lane with that whole line of thinking.

The guy deserves no sympathy, imperfect process or not.
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