Social War Room Lounge Thread #321 - welcome to the pussy lounge

Doubt either one will be allowed back. They just went too far. But yeah, Fawlty was a solid poster imo. Dont remember RR posting in the wr much but maybe that was before I posted in here much.
RR was a troll in the WR. Don't even know what he thought about any issues, other than that was vaguely rightist. Mostly just posted here to stir up trouble and spread false rumors.
RR was a troll in the WR. Don't even know what he thought about any issues, other than that was vaguely rightist. Mostly just posted here to stir up trouble and spread false rumors.
Sounds like RR haha. He was always trolling. The fact that he did it here isn't a shocker.
How many people in the world could ride this trail?

It doesn't even seem real, if it was in a video game I'd call bullshit.

Since I clicked on your link.It referred me to a few more videos. This is the type of stuff that I can't understand
I hear you. After lurking for several years, I started off in the OT so that was the norm. In here the subject matter is much more serious so it is more annoying than when someone is just trolling the heavies etc.
There's a division here between people who just want to virtually yell at people who aren't in their party and people who are more interested in ideas and policy and stuff.
There's a division here between people who just want to virtually yell at people who aren't in their party and people who are more interested in ideas and policy and stuff.
Agreed. I'm good with skipping over the first group for the most part. The second group is what I enjoy in this particular space.The "virtual yell category" I'm not going to bother an sort between genuine and trolling usually. Obviously different from a guy that's normally solid having a bad day and going off.

I just watched Argylle, which was pretty bad, but I thought of you and made a couple of gifs. I almost cut the first one short and left out the happy ending to be mean.


Since I clicked on your link.It referred me to a few more videos. This is the type of stuff that I can't understand

All I can ask is "why the fuck do people do this?"

I'm guessing they get all the pussy, what other reason could there be?
The thrill. He obviously has the skill to handle it so more power to him.

Too much risk.

I watched a movie once about a kid surfer riding mammoth waves. I was struggling with hypertension at the time and it was really stressful because it was so dangerous. He survived the wave that should have killed him and I was incredibly relieved. After the film I checked out wiki to see how he was doing (true story) and found that a year or two later he died doing some crazy dive, he was like twenty.

These are world class athletes doing incredible things... Why do they have to choose something likely to kill you?
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I just watched Argylle, which was pretty bad, but I thought of you and made a couple of gifs. I almost cut the first one short and left out the happy ending to be mean.


Lol nice
Agreed. I'm good with skipping over the first group for the most part. The second group is what I enjoy in this particular space.The "virtual yell category" I'm not going to bother a sort between genuine and trolling usually. Obviously different from a guy that's normally solid having a bad day and going off.
Yeah some people actually can see that not everything is black and white and some people can’t.
Yeah some people actually can see that not everything is black and white and some people can’t.
I don't think that's the same thing as attempting to distinguish between trolls and genuinely awful people.
I don't think that's the same thing as attempting to distinguish between trolls and genuinely awful people.
That’s because some people think that just because someone doesn’t agree with them that they’re awful.
That’s because some people think that just because someone doesn’t agree with them that they’re awful.
Speaking for myself it only depends upon what is being disagreed upon. E.g. is it ok to kick a disabled person out of a homeless shelter and onto the street because the person is unable to keep up with the assigned chores? I'd say if you don't agree with me that that's wrong you're probably awful.

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