Virtue Signaling in Gaming Megathread, v.1

Why does Stellar Blade receive censorship, but other games like BG3/Cyberpunk do not?

Cyberpunk was heavily censored in production relating to its sexualized content to meet its M rating. BG3 from what i understand depicts sexual acts like that of a R rated movie.
Cyberpunk was heavily censored in production relating to its sexualized content to meet its M rating. BG3 from what i understand depicts sexual acts like that of a R rated movie.
Stellar blade shows far less in terms of sexualized content vs Cyberpunk/BG3. So why is Stellarblade censored, criticized? To think that penis physics, bestiality, actual full frontal nudity, lol, is somehow more degenerate than cleavage, is disingenuous, dishonest, and is a double standard.
Stellar blade shows far less in terms of sexualized content vs Cyberpunk/BG3. So why is Stellarblade censored, criticized? To think that penis physics, bestiality, actual full frontal nudity, lol, is somehow more degenerate than cleavage, is disingenuous, dishonest, and is a double standard.
give it a rest bro
give it a rest bro
No. Not one person here can answer the question or acknowledge the obvious double standard. If you don't like reading these responses, then for sure stop clicking into the thread and responding. Lol, that also makes 0 sense. Can someone answer the question? Why the obvious double standard?
No. Not one person here can answer the question or acknowledge the obvious double standard. If you don't like reading these responses, then for sure stop clicking into the thread and responding. Lol, that also makes 0 sense. Can someone answer the question? Why the obvious double standard?
the only double standard is a fiction that lives inside your head.
the only double standard is a fiction that lives inside your head.
No dude, it just ain't. You still can't answer a basic question. Why does Stellar Blade get censored for showing far less than BG3/Cyber Punk? Why the double standard?
Stellar blade shows far less in terms of sexualized content vs Cyberpunk/BG3.

Stellar Blade is a third person camera angle hack and slash game presenting its main character in a sexualized manner at a constant pace. Cyberpunk is a first person action game with some user driven R(M) rated implied sexualized cutscenes. BG3 is a turn based overhead view RPG with user driven R(M) rated sexualized content.
Stellar Blade is a third person camera angle hack and slash game presenting its main character in a sexualized manner at a constant pace. Cyberpunk is a first person action game with some user driven R(M) rated implied sexualized cutscenes. BG3 is a turn based overhead view RPG with user driven R(M) rated sexualized content.
Yes, they all depict sexualized content, Stellar Blade far less so. No nudity like BG3/Cyberpunk.

So again, why does Stellar Blade get censored, and the other games which depict far more sexualized content, not?
Yes, they all depict sexualized content, Stellar Blade far less so. No nudity like BG3/Cyberpunk.

So again, why does Stellar Blade get censored, and the other games which depict far more sexualized content, not?
It wasn't censored.
No dude, it just ain't. You still can't answer a basic question. Why does Stellar Blade get censored for showing far less than BG3/Cyber Punk? Why the double standard?
you can say it was censored a million times—doesn’t make it true. present your evidence. so far all i’ve seen you post is a minor aesthetic modification to a single costume. got more? the onus is on you to provide irrefutable evidence to your claim
you can say it was censored a million times—doesn’t make it true. present your evidence. so far all i’ve seen you post is a minor aesthetic modification to a single costume. got more? the onus is on you to provide irrefutable evidence to your claim
Are you absolutely brain dead now?

The costumes on the release day were censored/altered from their original design, after many months/years of the creator stating that there will be no censorship.

Don't play dumb.

My question is, why does Stellar Blade go through censorship, but games that depict far more in terms of sexualized content, get a pass?

No one can answer this. Weird.
Are you absolutely brain dead now?

The costumes on the release day were censored/altered from their original design, after many months/years of the creator stating that there will be no censorship.

Don't play dumb.

My question is, why does Stellar Blade go through censorship, but games that depict far more in terms of sexualized content, get a pass?

No one can answer this. Weird.
go ahead & post them then. if you do then maybe we’ll actually get somewhere, because so far all i’ve seen are a bunch of words
go ahead & post them then. if you do then maybe we’ll actually get somewhere, because so far all i’ve seen are a bunch of words
You're playing dumb and being disingenuous. You know exactly that costumes got censored/altered from their previous design. You're a disingenuous liar, you're being dishonest.
You said that before. But then admitted that costumes were censored. We know you flip flop and still can't answer the basic question.
I never said it was censored. I said that the logic doesn't add up. There's more revealing costumes in the game, if they wanted to censor ass and cleavage they would have hit all of them. This company has also made adjustments to NIKKE. Trailers doesn't always represent what the full game will be. Insomniac's Spiderman also made artistic changes to some costumes before release. Get over it, you aren't even playing the game.
I never said it was censored. I said that the logic doesn't add up. There's more revealing costumes in the game, if they wanted to censor ass and cleavage they would have hit all of them. This company has also made adjustments to NIKKE. Trailers doesn't always represent what the full game will be. Insomniac's Spiderman also made artistic changes to some costumes before release. Get over it, you aren't even playing the game.
Costumes were altered/changed from their previous versions on the day of release. You know full well this fact. You're also being disingenuous and dishonest now.

Why does Stellar Blade go through censorship, but games that depict far more in terms of sexualized content, get a pass?
Costumes were altered/changed from their previous versions on the day of release. You know full well this fact. You're also being disingenuous and dishonest now.

Why does Stellar Blade go through censorship, but games that depict far more in terms of sexualized content, get a pass?
It wasn't censored.
It wasn't censored.
Outfits were altered which previously depicted far more skin and cleavage. Stop lying. You're not very smart, you can't formulate an argument, or answer even a basic question.

why does Stellar Blade go through censorship, but games that depict far more in terms of sexualized content, get a pass?
suit yourself
I accept your concession. You're not very bright. And you lack direction in your argument. Playing dumb. Being dishonest.

why does Stellar Blade go through censorship, but games that depict far more in terms of sexualized content, get a pass?

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