Vancouver puts motion forward to allow non-Canadian citizens to vote

Except most of the people buying up real estate in Toronto/Vancouver are rich Chinese people who got rich by questionable practices that cannot be emulated in Western countries.

The middle-class citizens simply can't compete with rich foreigners. And instead of protecting it's citizens, the government embraces this. Canada is right now very much up for the highest bidder rather than it's own citizens.
Ya I don't know how the other rich people who drive up property prices made their money. I just know the same issue exists regardless.
Glad I could help as it is clear you know nothing of the topic you are trying to speak on. You need to understand the past to see why you are wrong.

Everyone who has come to settle in this country that is not indigenous has brought their own culture with them and it has blended into what is now Canada.There is a reason a 'Canadian' is not english like Brit or a French person is not french like in France. The Newfies are mostly irish but very different than those in Ireland. And so on and so on. And that is because their cultures have melded with other cultures here and morphed into something different. Something uniquely Canadian.. that melding is multiculturalism. there is no way around that.

Negative. You are not helping. You haven't said anything that I don't already know. Today is different. You're trying to use the past to justify what's happening in the present. As if everything is going to be ok. What's happening today is messing up Canada really bad.

Also I believe :
Ya I don't know how the other rich people who drive up property prices made their money. I just know the same issue exists regardless.
What's worse it that many of the father's in China buy property in Canada, send their kids/wives/grandparents to live there, then continue making a lot of money in China. The kids/wives/grandparents technically are not making money in Canada so they get all the benefits without having to pay the taxes, but meanwhile still are inflating the property values.
Lol at the notion that Canada is a real country at this point.
You haven't provided anything to change my mind (actually, you don't know where I stand on this issue, all I've done so far is challenge your assertions). Are there increased social tensions right now in Canada? Is there more racism than 20 years ago? Is there segregation? If so, is it due to immigration? Keep in mind that Canada has had a steady flow of immigration for basically centuries, but especially since WW2.


No need to challenge my assertions if you had put in time and used to google, something you should have done a long time ago. It's what I did when I felt something was seriously wrong with the country I love. I'm from Bramladesh by the way. When you live here you know something isn't right anymore.

When you let in so many people from racist countries, racism is bound to increase.

Social tension/white flight
"A report this week from Statistics Canada forecasting the country's demographic makeup in 2036 suggests it's too late. The transformation of Canada is already far advanced, and continuing. By 2036, the agency predicts, as many as 30 per cent of all residents will not have been born in Canada. Another 20 per cent of the population will be native-born, but with at least one immigrant parent. Since the vast majority of immigrants come from Asian or Pacific nations, within 20 years Canada will likely be as brown as it is white.

Some old-stock Canadians, as Stephen Harper called them, will resent this. No one asked them, they will say, whether they wanted the European, Christian country they grew up in to be transformed into something so cosmopolitan. They lament the loss of traditional values and social solidarity."

Brampton suffers identity crisis as newcomers swell city’s population

"White flight” is a phrase few dare speak aloud, but statistics suggest a growing unease with a city that's changing too fast.

While the visible-minority segment has exploded to represent two-thirds of Brampton’s population, white residents are dwindling. Their numbers went from 192,400 in 2001 to 169,230 in 2011.

That’s a loss of more than 23,000 people, or 12 per cent, in a decade when the city’s population rose by 60 per cent.


Look at all that mixing and blending going on!

Yes these problems are all due to immigration.

Canada had been very selective. There is a reason why Canada is majority white. There is a reason why that's rapidly changing and it's all by design. There is a reason why other countries are experiencing the same thing. It's all coordinated.

Pierre Trudeau embraced multiculturalism as the antidote to nationalism and the dominance of Canada’s two dominant solitudes: English and French. He adopted policies, devised programs and financed groups to enable minorities to maintain their own identity and resist social assimilation. And while immigration necessarily begat multiculturalism, it is a myth that Trudeau opened up the country to scores of new Canadians.

Trudeau took office when immigration levels were high. He made his mark by reducing the number of immigrants and dramatically changing the composition of the immigrant pool, moving it away from developed to less-developed nations. Tilting the system toward family reunification and away from skilled workers diminished the economic benefits that had traditionally come with immigration. But it maximized the political benefits to Trudeau. This endeared many existing immigrant communities to the Liberals and encouraged wide swaths of new Canadians to vote for Trudeau when the time came. But when it comes to immigration, the myth about Trudeau and the reality are miles apart.

Rabid brainwashed school students.
Negative. You are not helping. You haven't said anything that I don't already know. Today is different. You're trying to use the past to justify what's happening in the present. As if everything is going to be ok. What's happening today is messing up Canada really bad.

Also I believe :

Well if you know that history then you simply did not comprehend it as the complaint is the same over and over, repeated over time with each generation living it saying 'this time it is different'. Do you know what the slang term was for the Irish when they came to N.America? To you at this point all Europeans are the same, but that was certainly not the case back then.
What's worse it that many of the father's in China buy property in Canada, send their kids/wives/grandparents to live there, then continue making a lot of money in China. The kids/wives/grandparents technically are not making money in Canada so they get all the benefits without having to pay the taxes, but meanwhile still are inflating the property values.
WHo is pocketing all this money from these increasing home prices? Who is benefitting?
Well if you know that history then you simply did not comprehend it as the complaint is the same over and over, repeated over time with each generation living it saying 'this time it is different'. Do you know what the slang term was for the Irish when they came to N.America? To you at this point all Europeans are the same, but that was certainly not the case back then.
Just to be clear I don't mind that there's minorities in Canada, some are great to have around, adopt Canadian culture, fit in and are good people.

Immigration becomes a problem when there's too much and people start to group up and form mini countries inside a country and take over cities. It really becomes a problem when there's a sudden demographics shift which creates white flight. It just ruins it for everyone.

In a perfect world, immigration today would be selective and monitored so that enclaves don't form and so that there isn't a major demographics change. Something I've been saying for awhile. Combine that with no racism and you've got a happy and healthy society.

But we live in a mad world where people do things out of spite so it's best to choose to live somewhere comfortable for you and your family and to make sure you have good friends.

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Even for Canada, this is beyond incredulous. Simply idiotic. What country allows non-citizens to vote?

Read the article first.
About 45 countries including the US and in Europe.
It's fking local municipal elections, not the fking president elect. And for Permanent Residents only.
P.Rs are a just a step below full citizens.

Barely anybody votes in these low level elections and it's a good way to get some / any representation in these. Not to forget, inculcating some civic sense and duty into ppl who are just a few years off from bring full citizens.
Read the article first.
About 45 countries including the US and in Europe.
It's fking local municipal elections, not the fking president elect. And for Permanent Residents only.
P.Rs are a just a step below full citizens.

Barely anybody votes in these low level elections and it's a good way to get some / any representation in these. Not to forget, inculcating some civic sense and duty into ppl who are just a few years off from bring full citizens.
DoChina , , India and MiddleEastern countries allow non-citizens to vote in local elections? And if so are the numbers soo tiny that it amounts to nothing? B.C. has a lot of permanent residents.

They don't need to vote prior to citizenship, to develop civic responsibility. The US doesn't give non citizen permanent residents the right to vote, even though these folks are going to becomes citizens in the very near future.
DoChina , , India and MiddleEastern countries allow non-citizens to vote in local elections?

Do those countries support the evil agenda of ethnic and cultural replacement too?

"Remember what happened in past!?" Yeah and there wasn't the ethnic and cultural replacement you see today.

Canada wants more Chinese workers, students and tourists, says immigration minister


"We would like to spread the immigrants across the country relatively evenly," said McCallum.

"The last thing we want is every immigrant goes to either Toronto or Vancouver."

Create Canadian flight evenly across the country is what you're saying.




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Do those countries support the evil agenda of ethnic and cultural replacement too?
Do you mean replacing Whites with non-Whites, euphemistically referred to by some on the right as the elites electing a new people ?

No need to challenge my assertions if you had put in time and used to google, something you should have done a long time ago. It's what I did when I felt something was seriously wrong with the country I love. I'm from Bramladesh by the way. When you live here you know something isn't right anymore.

When you let in so many people from racist countries, racism is bound to increase.

Social tension/white flight
"A report this week from Statistics Canada forecasting the country's demographic makeup in 2036 suggests it's too late. The transformation of Canada is already far advanced, and continuing. By 2036, the agency predicts, as many as 30 per cent of all residents will not have been born in Canada. Another 20 per cent of the population will be native-born, but with at least one immigrant parent. Since the vast majority of immigrants come from Asian or Pacific nations, within 20 years Canada will likely be as brown as it is white.

Some old-stock Canadians, as Stephen Harper called them, will resent this. No one asked them, they will say, whether they wanted the European, Christian country they grew up in to be transformed into something so cosmopolitan. They lament the loss of traditional values and social solidarity."

Brampton suffers identity crisis as newcomers swell city’s population

"White flight” is a phrase few dare speak aloud, but statistics suggest a growing unease with a city that's changing too fast.

While the visible-minority segment has exploded to represent two-thirds of Brampton’s population, white residents are dwindling. Their numbers went from 192,400 in 2001 to 169,230 in 2011.

That’s a loss of more than 23,000 people, or 12 per cent, in a decade when the city’s population rose by 60 per cent.


Look at all that mixing and blending going on!

Yes these problems are all due to immigration.

Canada had been very selective. There is a reason why Canada is majority white. There is a reason why that's rapidly changing and it's all by design. There is a reason why other countries are experiencing the same thing. It's all coordinated.

Rabid brainwashed school students.

Do you really think you've proved here that Canada is more fragmented than ever before? Here's a fact: Canadians today are less racist than ever before in history. We're not becoming more racist, we're becoming less racist. There is more integration of the various subcultures that make up Canadian society than ever before (just go to any big city, e.g. Montreal and seek out neighbourhoods like Little Italy, the Latin Quarter, the Gay Village, Outremont, etc. - in the decades following WW2, they were all uni-cultural, e.g. Outremont was Jewish, Little Italy obviously Italian, etc. Today, they retain their their cultural core identity, but the populations have vastly diversified. But with that diversification came none of the effects you're describing. It speaks against your increasing segregation claim.)

Canadian immigration has worked extremely well post WW2, and things have gotten better, not worse. The primary reason is that we've been extremely selective, focusing almost entirely on skilled immigrants that come in families. Now, if we change that formula, all bets are off. It's insane to let in 1 million unskilled single men from totally different cultures, I think we can all agree on that. But Canada hasn't done that, we've been doing essentially the exact opposite. I think the 3 year ramp up in immigration the Libs want is aggressive and I don't support it, but if the core tenants remain in-tact, the risks have proven to be minimized.

I think you and I would find some common ground here, e.g. I'm not arguing that some groups don't integrate better than others (hint: if you believe that covering up your whole face in public in a free and open society is totally fine, perhaps you should've stayed home. Or maybe you think music is sacrilegious and shouldn't be taught in school, yea, maybe you should go somewhere with more people who share that strange belief). However, if you look at the last 50 years, things have gotten better for Canadians on almost every single metric, and that's where I took issue.