Vancouver puts motion forward to allow non-Canadian citizens to vote

Do you mean replacing Whites with non-Whites, euphemistically referred to by some on the right as the elites electing a new people ?

I don't know about a new people. I think they want to demoralize and create disunity. They want people that will vote a certain way.

Pierre Trudeau really did a number on Canada. The more people that vote liberal the better.

"This endeared many existing immigrant communities to the Liberals and encouraged wide swaths of new Canadians to vote for Trudeau when the time came."

Look at the damage his son is doing.


Can't forget that the "elite" (call them what ever you want) don't like guns. Liberals will slowly but surely effectively disarm the population.

"we will put decision-making about weapons restrictions back in the hands of police, not politicians"

The Liberals also promise to modify membership of the Canadian Firearms Advisory Committee, which advises the government and which critics say tilts too much in favour of gun-owners. Trudeau wants committee membership to include public health advocates, women’s group representatives and police officers.

Do you really think you've proved here that Canada is more fragmented than ever before? Here's a fact: Canadians today are less racist than ever before in history. We're not becoming more racist, we're becoming less racist. There is more integration of the various subcultures that make up Canadian society than ever before (just go to any big city, e.g. Montreal and seek out neighbourhoods like Little Italy, the Latin Quarter, the Gay Village, Outremont, etc. - in the decades following WW2, they were all uni-cultural, e.g. Outremont was Jewish, Little Italy obviously Italian, etc. Today, they retain their their cultural core identity, but the populations have vastly diversified. But with that diversification came none of the effects you're describing. It speaks against your increasing segregation claim.)

Canadian immigration has worked extremely well post WW2, and things have gotten better, not worse. The primary reason is that we've been extremely selective, focusing almost entirely on skilled immigrants that come in families. Now, if we change that formula, all bets are off. It's insane to let in 1 million unskilled single men from totally different cultures, I think we can all agree on that. But Canada hasn't done that, we've been doing essentially the exact opposite. I think the 3 year ramp up in immigration the Libs want is aggressive and I don't support it, but if the core tenants remain in-tact, the risks have proven to be minimized.

I think you and I would find some common ground here, e.g. I'm not arguing that some groups don't integrate better than others (hint: if you believe that covering up your whole face in public in a free and open society is totally fine, perhaps you should've stayed home. Or maybe you think music is sacrilegious and shouldn't be taught in school, yea, maybe you should go somewhere with more people who share that strange belief). However, if you look at the last 50 years, things have gotten better for Canadians on almost every single metric, and that's where I took issue.

I posted links. Racism is increasing, there's white flight, people don't want to live in or near immigrant enclaves and we're bringing in a ton of people from racist countries. I have backed up my claims. There are many Canadians that don't like what is happening to Canada. The same thing is happening in other countries. It takes guilt trips and brainwashing to accept this rapid demographics change. It's creepy.

The Government is less racist sure. I mean look at Trudeau. How can anyone think Canada is racist with that clown at the helm?

There is no need for integration. Canada doesn't have an identity remember? People can practice their culture as long as they don't break the law. Some want laws to cater to their culture.
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Neighbourhoods like Little Italy, the Latin Quarter, the Gay Village, Outremont, etc. - in the decades following WW2, they were all uni-cultural, e.g. Outremont was Jewish, Little Italy obviously Italian, etc.

Sorry just one more thing, no one wants to live in China, India, Africa, Caribbean countries and the Middle East. So I'm sure you can see why there's white flight.

To anyone that might be reading, there's no need...