Economy US Deficit highest in 6 years ...and increasing!

Regulations and committees isn't the only way to grow the government. And we don't need to do this as a thought experiment - you can just look at the past few years of various degrees of GOP control of executive and legislative branches. We aren't in a deficit, we aren't in a major war, there is no reason the government should be growing if the plan is to shrink it. They have no excuse. Functionally they are both the parties of big government, just one party cuts taxes as if they are cutting spending.

When your plan to offset your big spending is 5% growth, you are not only for big government, you are also fiscally irresponsible, AND know you can count on your base to not call you on your bullshit.

Wants to talk about fiscal responsibility but doesnt address the Democrats want free healthcare, and college lmao
Wants to talk about fiscal responsibility but doesnt address the Democrats want free healthcare, and college lmao
The difference is the GOP is the 'party of fiscal responsibility'. It's like when you are at Alex's bar off Anaheim and the wasted straggler you pick up at closing tells you next to the alley dumpster your peepee looks weird. And you say "well you don't even have a weiner". Well yeah, she's not the one advertising having one.
It's because the GOP has never been a fiscally responsible political party rather a party that only claims fiscal responsibility when they're out of power. In actuality the GOP is a political party that caters to white racial resentment to secure the votes of rural, white voters while simultaneously garnering support from the upper class by disproportionally cutting their taxes.
They will raise our taxes and we will still run up the debt.

I prefer to keep more of my earned money instead of giving it to corrupt politicians.

One party is for limiting the size and roll of government and the other wants to expand the size and roll of government. It's not that hard to understand what I was saying
Lol at thinking the GOP wants small government. <Lmaoo><45>

More so then the Democrats... I'm upset like many conservatives that the gop is starting to act like the Democrats.
Starting? Please tell me which "conservative" Administration has cut the roll of the government? Can you tell me even one that has cut aggregate spending? You can even include inflation.
Starting? Please tell me which "conservative" Administration has cut the roll of the government? Can you tell me even one that has cut aggregate spending? You can even include inflation.

Conservatism isnt about cutting things like you seem to think. Its about slow tempered change.

It's why its so damn important. The cat is out of the bag with things like healthcare.

I'll ask again. If both parties retained power for 50 years, which do you think would be larger in the realm of government and government control into citizens lives?
Conservatism isnt about cutting things like you seem to think. Its about slow tempered change.

It's why its so damn important. The cat is out of the bag with things like healthcare.

I'll ask again. If both parties retained power for 50 years, which do you think would be larger in the realm of government and government control into citizens lives?
I dont care how many times you ask it you are to biased to ever accept my response.
I laughed at you thinking any conservative admiration has ever cut spending or government and you cannot answer the question and didn't even try. The " cat is out of the bag" with that line of shit. Gingrich was pitching bullshit when he sold the right on that branding and you still believe this ancient bs. Grow up.
If you are so blind to still believe it, I again am laughing at you.
I suppose next you'll tell us how well trickle down economics is working?.
I dont care how many times you ask it you are to biased to ever accept my response.
I laughed at you thinking any conservative admiration has ever cut spending or government and you cannot answer the question and didn't even try. The " cat is out of the bag" with that line of shit. Gingrich was pitching bullshit when he sold the right on that branding and you still believe this ancient bs. Grow up.
If you are so blind to still believe it, I again am laughing at you.
I suppose next you'll tell us how well trickle down economics is working?.

Lmfao.... you with that trickle down shit? I dont care if it trickles down or not. People should keep their hard earned money
Lmfao.... you with that trickle down shit? I dont care if it trickles down or not. People should keep their hard earned money
Who the fuck is going to pay for the roads and cops? How the hell do those workers get paid for their hard earned wages? Allowing GE, Mit Romney and trump to pay less in taxes than John doe makes zero fucking sense. Trickle down was a hoax to get you to believe that we need to tax the rich less than ever before and the poor and middlemore than ever before. How God damn low does Romney and GE need it to be?
They are the ones getting gargantuan hand outs and you silly trumptards believe they are "just keeping more of their hard earned money" you guys take this bait!
Hook line and sinker.
Trumps taxes are being audited though so I guess we just will never know right?
Take news?
Who the fuck is going to pay for the roads and cops?

You think I'm against taxes full stop? How cute.

Allowing GE, Mit Romney and trump to pay less in taxes than John doe makes zero fucking sense

I'm for every dollar earned being taxed the same in a flat tax. Also those people have paid more in taxes then anybody in history probably. Kinda takes the bite out of your charge

Trickle down was a hoax to get you to believe that we need to tax the rich less than ever before and the poor and middlemore than ever before.

Dont give a damn if it trickles down or not. I want people to keep more of the money they worked for. The government doesnt have a revenue problem. They have a spending problem

They are the ones getting gargantuan hand outs and you silly trumptards believe they are "just keeping more of their hard earned money"

Tax breaks arent hand outs. Were you referring to something else?
Same reason they've been going up since Regan and through all those Presidents since then.
You think I'm against taxes full stop? How cute.

I'm for every dollar earned being taxed the same in a flat tax. Also those people have paid more in taxes then anybody in history probably. Kinda takes the bite out of your charge

Dont give a damn if it trickles down or not. I want people to keep more of the money they worked for. The government doesnt have a revenue problem. They have a spending problem

Tax breaks arent hand outs. Were you referring to something else?
Yes, corporations get more handouts than the welfare queens/ poor folks, and it isn't even close!
I'm all for keeping hard earned money too but NO the top earners and or corporations do not pay the most tax in history, not even close. Unless you dont understand inflation.
"Flat taxation" has never worked in a capitalist state. And to dream that our broken government is capable of fiscal change or responsibility is "cute".
You've blurred stated taxes with effective taxes and I doubt you even realize the difference at this point. You are so blinded by the red in your vision you cant see clearly.
There are times when increasing the debt is a good thing -- when there's a lot of people willing to work but unable to find jobs. It was under those circumstances that Obama increased the debt. There's zero point of increasing the debt when unemployment was as low as it was when Trump signed the tax cut.

Excellent point.

I never understand why people don't get this.

Ok maybe argue debt is always bad. That is wrong and not proven by data and financial common sense. But you can at least argue the point.

But to say increasing government debt during a recession is bad (austerity) while increasing during a boom is good is well, fucking retarded.

Most economists agree that every $1 of government debt has a 2 for 1 increase on unemployment when in a contraction than in a upward trend. And it can be more depending on the exact points on the cycle.
There are times when increasing the debt is a good thing -- when there's a lot of people willing to work but unable to find jobs. It was under those circumstances that Obama increased the debt. There's zero point of increasing the debt when unemployment was as low as it was when Trump signed the tax cut.

It is odd to me to see people speak of the national debt as if it's simply "Debt is bad, no debt!". It is odd to me, and I think they should acquaint themselves with the writings of a man called Alexander Hamilton. Now, anyone knows our level of debt is in no way a sustainable state of affairs, but the overly simplistic way people argue on this issue, eesh.