UFC losing its credibility

Because Pride was nothing but fair and subjective in how they handled their title shots and the fights that their champions took and -

No, sorry, I can't even say that with a straight face.

hahahaha :icon_lol:
Chael, Nick Diaz, Shogun if he wins, probably Bisping if he wins... Undeserving title shots everywhere. I am a big fan of those guys, but fighters like Hendo, Weidman and Hendricks are getting screwed up big time. In my opinion, the UFC is losing its credibility with those decisions. I know, MMA is a business, but...

Haven't been a fan of MMA for very long I take it?
Ever heard of the pro wrestler who got a title shot with a 2-1 record
Or the 44 year old who came out of retirement to fight for the HW title
Or the guy who lost against Menne for a title, the fought Hughes with a 1-1 UFC record
Or the guy who fought Frank for the title coming in with a 0-6-1 streak
Or the guy who fought for the interim HW belt after being KO'd
I'm still confused by the argument that "people with undeserved title shots winning the title proves those people didn't deserve title shots".

It seems as though winning the world title by defeating the world champion in an MMA match would prove, if anything, that they deserved to be the champion.

First example: did matt serra deserve to be ww champ, even though he was more or less gifted a title shot (i.e. he earned it by winning TUF 4, but didn't earn it by beating top WW competition)? Of course. He TKO'd gsp. Case closed, he became the champ and deserved it.

In hindsight people can say he never deserved to be champ, for example because he never defended it and immediately lost it to the former champ. But that's not REALLY a statement on whether or not he deserved to be champ, it's just a reflection on his career as WW champ, which was non-existent.

Second Example: Did Brock not deserve to be champ after being gifted a shot for beating herring? Of course not. And in case the double negative is coming off as confusing: he absolutely deserved to be champ. Why? He mangled randy, mir, and choked out carwin. If he didn't deserve to be champ (i.e. isn't/wasn't good enough) he never would have beaten those people.

Third Example: Anderson Silva fights rich franklin for the title after only a single win in the ufc. No human being will tell you he didn't deserve that.

Common theme: Some fighters make such a splash in their weight division, either via external hype, notable performances, or talking themselves up (e.g. chael), and for that reason they get asked to fight against someone everyone can measure them against: The champion.

Finally, an example of an undeserved title shot: An undeserved title shot is someone on an n-fight losing skid n > 1 being given a title shot to rejuvenate their career (kind of like TUF 4, but this situation is more general and infinitely less likely)

A second example of an undeserved title shot: A high-name fighter threatening to retire if not given a title fight, and then being rewarded with one.

Middle ground example: Chael's title shot against Jones. Does Chael deserve it, from most people's point of view? Of course not. He has numerous losses at light heavyweight, he is coming off of an embarrassing loss to the original jon jones, anderson silva.

However, he certainly deserves it if you consider his known ability as a fighter, his ability to sell fights, the fact that jones himself wants to fight him... hence why the decision got made.

end of lecture
Yes. It's now become like pro-wrestling. Sherdog and other MMA sites can write all the editorials about how it's always been about entertainment, but that's stupid. All spectator sports have been about entertainment, but usually they don't ignore the rankings of the league or organisation that they represent.
Could you imagine if the world series every year was voted on by the fans. You'd probably have the Yankees vs the Bo' Sox every year just because of the sheer number of the fans for the two teams. Baseball would basically suck for everybody else and that's what we're seeing now. What about the fans of Hendricks? What about the fans of Machida and Rashad? What about the fans of a the sport who want to see the two best MMA fighters fight for the title? What about the real MMA fan who doesn't care about someone who hasn't beaten someone in the top ten in five or more years, had a loss in their last fight, announced their retirement while crying about a loss they could have prevented if they were a better and smarter fighter, and has just spent the year out on suspension for using a banned substance.
Real MMA fans do not want to see GSP vs Diaz.
Haven't been a fan of MMA for very long I take it?
Ever heard of the pro wrestler who got a title shot with a 2-1 record
Or the 44 year old who came out of retirement to fight for the HW title
Or the guy who lost against Menne for a title, the fought Hughes with a 1-1 UFC record
Or the guy who fought Frank for the title coming in with a 0-6-1 streak
Or the guy who fought for the interim HW belt after being KO'd

Please, read. It's been said a few times before, and I said it, too. It's nothing new, but it was so bad as it is now. Diaz, Chael, Ronda...it's getting way too much.
Please, read. It's been said a few times before, and I said it, too. It's nothing new, but it was so bad as it is now. Diaz, Chael, Ronda...it's getting way too much.

Then you understand this isn't the first time, and certainly not the last time
If it's been happening since when Frank Shamrock was still kicking around in the UFC, and you're saying only now it's losing crediblity?
Maybe watch a sport that's more "credible" to your standards
I could just as easily say the opposite. If you show them a great night of fights, they will always find something to complain about.

Btw, what org do you think puts on better fights more consistently?

Do you get excited about every UFC fight?
Do you want to see 12 KO's in a row?
Do you care about any of the matchups?
Do you want to see the top fighters fight each other?
Do you know who the top fighters are?
Do you think every UFC event is great and support them no matter what?

These are some bullet points for the diagnostic manual. They determine how retarded you are.
Chael, Nick Diaz, Shogun if he wins, probably Bisping if he wins... Undeserving title shots everywhere. I am a big fan of those guys, but fighters like Hendo, Weidman and Hendricks are getting screwed up big time. In my opinion, the UFC is losing its credibility with those decisions. I know, MMA is a business, but...

First time I have ever agreed with a white belt TS
I don't see what the big deal is. It will all get sorted out. Hendricks will get a shot after GSP batters Diaz. Weidman will get one soon. It will all be ok.
I don't see what the big deal is. It will all get sorted out. Hendricks will get a shot after GSP batters Diaz. Weidman will get one soon. It will all be ok.

Because if the UFC makes a decision that someone doesn't like, the UFC suddenly loses all credibility.
Do you get excited about every UFC fight?
Do you want to see 12 KO's in a row?
Do you care about any of the matchups?
Do you want to see the top fighters fight each other?
Do you know who the top fighters are?
Do you think every UFC event is great and support them no matter what?

These are some bullet points for the diagnostic manual. They determine how retarded you are.


How about you answer my question. What org do you think puts on the best fights consistently?
Undeserving title shots everywhere. In my opinion, the UFC is losing its credibility with those decisions. I know, MMA is a business, but...


How about you answer my question. What org do you think puts on the best fights consistently?

What does that have to do with anything? The UFC scooped up almost every mediocre fighter on the planet to fill up their cards. There are no "great night of fights." Hence the bullet points. Why do I always have to explain this to people on here? Enough already.
What does that have to do with anything? The UFC scooped up almost every mediocre fighter on the planet to fill up their cards. There are no "great night of fights." Hence the bullet points. Why do I always have to explain this to people on here? Enough already.

Then why are you here? Just to shout it from the mountain tops how shitty the Ufc is and how stupid everyone is for enjoying it? Gtfo.

If you don't think tomorrow's card is great then don't watch, but spare us your emo bullshit.
okay I agree with what you're saying except : How does Bisping NOT deserve a title shot if he wins his next fight?!?!?! I can't stand the guy however he (imo) is much more deserving of a title shot than weidman is (personally I thought he beat Sonnen so...). The way they treat him (ufc brass and 99% of sherdoggers) he'd have to beat Belfort, Weidman and Belcher just to be even considered for a title shot :/
It's a business who ever sells the most tickets get the main billings