Tucker Carlson Tucks Tail with Brucelyn Jenner


Spring Saku
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Forum Administrator
Apr 22, 2007
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Tucker Carlson, who just took over for Bill O'Reilly in the 8pm time slot, tucked his own balls between his legs on his very first night, perhaps in tribute, and didn't press any hard questions at all with America's Greatest Hero.

At one point Tucker brings up the tranny who just beat all the girls in a weightlifting competition, asking if that was fair. Jenner said yeah it was fair, and -- best part -- that the dude-chick "had no physical advantage" over the chick-chicks.

Tucker let that slide, and moved on. What a pussy. If it was a left-leaning guest, he would have nailed them to the wall for the entire rest of the interview over that point. But when it's the Republican Rupaul, I guess you get a pass. Sad!
Looks like Tuck just Cucked himself, who would have thought Bruce's balls are bigger than his.
Cucker Carlson just walked on eggshells, afraid to challenge a dude who wears dresses and killed an actual woman on the highway

It's Bruce Jenner. Tucker was jackin' off to that Wheaties box when he was a kid. Star struck, I'd say.
Well for a while guys on here have been saying that "you can't cuck the Tuck". Looks like they were proven wrong, and of all the people it could have been look who it is lmao. I guess Brucelyn is "so brave" after all.
Just when I thought I couldn't have any less respect for Carlson. What a ball-less coward. (I mean Tuck. Not Cait.)

But, on the bright side, had Jenner been O'Reilly's guest Bill probably would have put the moves on it after the show, gotten shot down, and Fox News would be facing another sexual harassment claim.
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Hollllyyyy shittt. This is the first time I have actually seen a video of Jenner/Heard it talk, outside of South Park.

And wow, that is funny as shit. What an idiot, hahahaha
I think Tucker is alright, but I wish he didn't bring Jenner on to turn things into a freak show.
Cucker Carlson just walked on eggshells, afraid to challenge a dude who wears dresses and killed an actual woman on the highway

I heard Jenner paid to have a guy's dick and balls cut off, too. Sick bastard.
Hollllyyyy shittt. This is the first time I have actually seen a video of Jenner/Heard it talk, outside of South Park.

And wow, that is funny as shit. What an idiot, hahahaha

Talks like Bruce always did. Doesn't even make an effort to feminize it by heightening the register. Just a dude's voice coming out of a horror-show lady mask.
If you are interviewing someone from the kardashian world and not telling they are trash youre just another idiot adding to this bs culture. Tucker was always punk. He looks like one.
One problem with a so-called Republican and transgender woman, is that if you attack him on air, you attack your "own" side as well as the "other" side. That's the problem with team sports.

Tucker went easy on Jenner, but if you didn't know who Tucker is, you wouldn't find anything strange with this interview. Frankly, this is how interviews should be. He even gave Jenner the last word.
I strongly dislike Carlson but I also don't care so I won't watch the video <cheer>

Talks like Bruce always did. Doesn't even make an effort to feminize it by heightening the register. Just a dude's voice coming out of a horror-show lady mask.
Why would he/she? It's not about convincing other people I guess.
Tucker better get rid of his soft spot for trannies. With O'Reilly out he has do go rating for rating with this:
Tucker Carlson has always been a weasel. I can't believe he suddenly got popular again. He's been around for a really long time and he has always been annoying and bratty. He comes across like a typical rich kid with a shag haircut who has always had it easy.

But right-wing viewers love people like him. They have even created a star out of that weird Milo guy and Crowder.
I mean it was his first day in the new slot

perhaps they told him to calm the 'incredulous looks' down
It's a big guest, I think the bosses told him to go easy on him otherwise he wouldn't accept to return on fox in the future.

It's crazy that lefties think that thing is a woman. It's clearly not, and nobody thinks and acts like it is. It's basically an in-between chimera person.