International Tucker Carlson in Russia to interview Vladimir Putin UPDATE - Also Dugin

Well I'm curious to see how it goes that's for sure. I'm interested to see if Tucker will ask him actual questions or is it the usual Russian media hand picked stuff. Not expecting much.
If Tucker's questions get too tough, Putin will have him dealt with:
Well I'm curious to see how it goes that's for sure. I'm interested to see if Tucker will ask him actual questions or is it the usual Russian media hand picked stuff. Not expecting much.
Even when he's not dealing with sycophants, historically Putin has been perfectly capable of only presenting the message he wants relayed.
It's not like Tucker has a history of contradicting Putin's narratives though. Rather Russian state media has a history of using his clips.
Even when he's not dealing with sycophants, historically Putin has been perfectly capable of only presenting the message he wants relayed.
It's not like Tucker has a history of contradicting his narratives though. Russian state media has a history of using his clips.
this is Tuck negotiating the interview
Most of you fools have never even seen Putin speak.

You are afraid of the truth.
It’s because Putin is like 5’2”, it is not worth the neck pain to watch him speak.
my first question to tiny Putin is you are a career politician worth billions. How does that happen and do you feel the least bit guilty about robbing the people of your country?
Even when he's not dealing with sycophants, historically Putin has been perfectly capable of only presenting the message he wants relayed.
It's not like Tucker has a history of contradicting Putin's narratives though. Rather Russian state media has a history of using his clips.

Yeah, like I said I'm not expecting much
So you cannot tell us what it is.
Yet you claim we are afraid of it.

I expect it to be eye opening for many people. It's a solid step in potentially working something out.

What's one of the first things that western media did? They cut Russian programming so that noone could see what they had to say. They painted the picture they wanted to, which is the only picture people such as yourself apparently need.
It’s because Putin is like 5’2”, it is not worth the neck pain to watch him speak.
my first question to tiny Putin is you are a career politician worth billions. How does that happen and do you feel the least bit guilty about robbing the people of your country?

Putin was an intelligence officer in the KGB before he was involved in politics. So no, he is not a career politician like Joe Biden.
Whew, Cancel Culture gunning for Carlson again. Huge surprise. I don't think the point of journalism is to only interview people you like. Osama Bin Laden was interviewed by Time magazine. What is the big deal here? I agree there won't really be any interesting new news, but if you don't like it you can just not watch it.
Tucker has been criticizing aid to Ukraine from the beginning.

He's just going to fellate Putin as he lies and tells the world they were forced to invade due to NATO expansion.

Guaranteed Putin is going to say some bullshit like the West promised no more NATO expansion. Cucker Carlson.
There was a time when even the most deplorable people in positions of power were granted exclusive interviews with the most recognizable journalist in this county.
Keeping the channels of communication closed is exactly what allows us to make a mental (us versus them) scenario. It also what keeps any possibility of peaceful solutions to war off the table. The premise that we cannot gain conference with out enemies.
The boogieman Isn’t scary enough if he comes out from under your bed and sits down for dinner.
When is it going to air?
So far it's not 100% certain it's even happening.
Tucker is confirmed in Moscow, and he's getting the big tour, and there's comments all over that he is doing it, and he's not denying.
i imagine if it happens, it will be posted pretty soon.
probably after he comes back to America though :)
Of course I have no problem with him doing the interview as a news reporter.

As far as the actual interview, we'll we would have to see how it turns out if he does it.
So far it's not 100% certain it's even happening.
Tucker is confirmed in Moscow, and he's getting the big tour, and there's comments all over that he is doing it, and he's not denying.
i imagine if it happens, it will be posted pretty soon.
probably after he comes back to America though :)

Ok. Will be interesting to see what sort of questions he's allowed to ask