International Tucker Carlson in Russia to interview Vladimir Putin UPDATE - Also Dugin

Fox by the Sea

Lighthouse Keeper
Platinum Member
Jul 4, 2013
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There's a lot of discussion on twitter about Tucker Carlson being currently in Russia to conduct an interview with president Putin. Besides it promising to be a very very viewed piece of journalism, probably his biggest ever, how do you feel about this? I don't think it's going to end up an oozy piece of fawning like that documentary by Oliver Stone.

I see the Hitler comparison is made (would someone go and interview Hitler in 1942) but i think as a bibliographical piece of history it may have value. i don't think anybody expects anything different from Putin in terms of what his position is, so i am wondering what new angles or information this piece of journalism will bring about.

UPDATE: here is the full interview with Russian president Vladimir Putin

Here is Tucker at the Bolshoi theater.

Also the Dugin interview:
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is barbara walters a traitor too?


personally i have no problem with this and i am curious to watch the interview, if it happens, but i already said i doubt Putin will say anything new. the journalistic importance would come from Tucker managing to squeeze something new from him. i hope it's not a fawning piece of journalism, because those are never good.

i also hope Tucker won't make it into a "lemme tell you how bad we have it in america" thing, which would be of no use historically.
personally i have no problem with this and i am curious to watch the interview, if it happens, but i already said i doubt Putin will say anything new. the journalistic importance would come from Tucker managing to squeeze something new from him. i hope it's not a fawning piece of journalism, because those are never good.

i also hope Tucker won't make it into a "lemme tell you how bad we have it in america" thing, which would be of no use historically.

Most of you fools have never even seen Putin speak.

You are afraid of the truth.
Most of you fools have never even seen Putin speak.

You are afraid of the truth.

Yes, let's ask this stupid fuck his thoughts on defenestrations, poisoning dissidents in foreign countries, kidnapping Ukrainian children, and being fairly and democratically elected in multiple elections.
There was a time when even the most deplorable people in positions of power were granted exclusive interviews with the most recognizable journalist in this county.
Keeping the channels of communication closed is exactly what allows us to make a mental (us versus them) scenario. It also what keeps any possibility of peaceful solutions to war off the table. The premise that we cannot gain conference with out enemies.
You missed how I said that is the talk on Twitter? Did you even read the post? Try paying more attention.

There's alot of stupid talk on twitter. That doesn't mean that you include it in your original post. Unless you think there's some sort of relevancy to it, which is what I have to assume. It's too late now.

Maybe you know what Putin's position is, but many uneducated Americans do not. This should be helpful in understanding the war from Russia's side (the country that is surrounded by us military bases).