Trump wins: NFL Commish Roger Goodell back tracks and now tells owners that players should stand

Now that the NFL backtracked on the anthem kneeling, will the fans return and viewership come back?

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Oooooooh a beautiful attempt. It's a good thing you're used to not having facts to make an assertion. Makes it easier for you.

Haven't voted for a dem my entire life. Just also not a sad partisan child

One step closer to a unified America.
My translation of every Roger Goodell press conference:

"Please don't fire me! I'll do anything, I'll say anything, just to keep my cushy, overpaid, over-privileged, self-important position! I don't care who I have to grovel before, just keep those NFL checks comming!"
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Is like a recap thread of all the posters who said the NFL boycott wouldn't do anything.

The people spoke. With their cash. And the NFL responded. While Trump may have been the mouthpiece he had less to do with decision than most think.
Is like a recap thread of all the posters who said the NFL boycott wouldn't do anything.

The people spoke. With their cash. And the NFL responded. While Trump may have been the mouthpiece he had less to do with decision than most think.

How is this costing the NFL money? Is their tv revenue dependent on viewership?
Why do Americans make sports politically relevant? They ran out of real problems?
How is this costing the NFL money? Is their tv revenue dependent on viewership?

Very dependent... Commercials.

To be honest, I think this is a mistake by the NFL. But it's their company, they can deal with the ramifications. They let this monster grow doing nothing for over a year.

The NFL would have been better served to tell the TV networks to stop airing the Anthem before the game. The whole thing would have died before it started. You can thank the TV Networks for fueling this shit and in turn hurting their ratings at the same time.

Gotta love the irony
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He is probably right but I doubt he is saying any of it for the right reasons at this point. But in the end his job is not to be political, it is to make money for his organization and this statement seems to be directly in line with that responsibility.

As for the players, they drew a ton of attention to themselves and now they can move onto making appearances to actually explain their stance. Continuing to kneel won't draw any more attention to the issue than it has already drawn, now is the time to take the next step.
Why do Americans make sports politically relevant? They ran out of real problems?

I believe people want ZERO politics in their sports. It's the one place people can go to get away from the shit grind of daily life.

However the players brought politics into it and fans are pissed.
LOL, ESPN is going to lose their minds.

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