Trump Reneges on Iran Nuclear Deal, Citing Non-Existent Violations

You think they have nuclear facilities on their military bases? Come on now.

Everyone, including the Sec Def and CIA are in agreement of their compliance.

You think nuclear weapons programs are developed at power plants? YOU come on now
Were you not just trying to argue that he wasn't going to build it at all?

My administration? Why can't someone just support a person without being an extremist? You may think airing your grievances this way is helping your cause, but this kind of aggressive partisanry just makes moderates turn away and potentially do the opposite of what you'd want. So carry on, I guess.
He didn't build any wall. He had contractors built a few sample sections each no more than 10 meters long, then you're here claiming it's being built. When you're dangling on his nuts no matter how shitty a job he does, then you're the aggressive partisan, not the other side. He lied about Iran violating the deal just like he lied just about anything else.
You think nuclear weapons programs are developed at power plants? YOU come on now

Do you have any evidence to support this shit theory that uranium is being enriched at operating military bases in Iran? do you understand how big of an operation that task actually is? Or are you just making shit up to pretend that Iran is in some violation that no one in the State Department or military believes, so that you can justify Trump's decision?

Argue on the merits. Making shit up just paints you as a hack.
Do you have any evidence to support this shit theory that uranium is being enriched at operating military bases in Iran? do you understand how big of an operation that task actually is? Or are you just making shit up to pretend that Iran is in some violation that no one in the State Department or military believes, so that you can justify Trump's decision?

Argue on the merits. Making shit up just paints you as a hack.

Are you naïve enough to believe a reactor cant be built at a military facility?
And what constitutes this "evidence"

You wont find something youre not willing to look for
So you're grasping at some imaginary violation when you have no evidence. All you have presented are some hypothetical possibilities without anything to back it up. Meanwhile EU, UN and even Mattis/Tillerson said Iran was compliance with the conditions.

You sound real legit.
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He didn't build any wall. He had contractors built a few sample sections each no more than 10 meters long, then you're here claiming it's being built. When you're dangling on his nuts no matter how shitty a job he does, then you're the aggressive partisan, not the other side. He lied about Iran violating the deal just like he lied just about anything else.

I never said it was built already, but that it was coming along fine.

Again, you're over-emotional and you will only end up destroying yourself and your cause. I don't have to say anything more.
I never said it was built already, but that it was coming along fine.

Again, you're over-emotional will only end destroying yourself and your cause. I don't have to say anything more.
It ain't coming. He has no funding for it. You're holding on to false hope.

Being overly emotional is backing out of a deal the other side clearly held up. The logical response is to criticize such a decision, but instead you blindly continue to support his actions despite Trump has demonstrated he had been a pathological liar for years.
No that cash was more likely a ransom paid for the release of 4 prisoners. Another genius move by Obama.

That money was for an arms deal back in the '70's. The U.S. was paid money for arms back then but then the Shah of Iran was overthrown and Iran became hardline. The U.S. then kept the money and of course sold no weapons to them. The Hague (yes, the World court that settles these disputes and tries war-criminals) said that the U.S. had to pay the money back.

The U.S. had to send back the money PLUS interest.

Don't believe the fake news.
Do you have any hard evidence Iran is currently developing nuclear weapons other than your imagination? Have you personally infiltrated these "military sites" and took samples you alleged the IAEA inspectors aren't checking? If not, you're talking out of your ass.

Offering them a window for development considering how fondly they are over the United States and Isreal doesn't exactly strike me as a good idea...
Offering them a window for development considering how fondly they are over the United States and Isreal doesn't exactly strike me as a good idea...
United States signed a deal with Iran. Iran obeyed the terms and conditions, certified by UN, EU and your own state and defense secretary. Trump decided he was going to arbitrarily refuse to sign off on the deal, citing fake violations while Israeli and Saudi lobby are celebrating openly. How does this look for the credibility of your country? Why would any world power take agreement with you seriously in the future if you change them on a whim?
You think nuclear weapons programs are developed at power plants? YOU come on now

You do realize the scale of centrifugues that are needed to generated weapons level enriched uranium?

Its not something that you can easily move from place to place.
Offering them a window for development considering how fondly they are over the United States and Isreal doesn't exactly strike me as a good idea...

So you are up for invasion?

How is them cutting back on enriching a windows for development?
I saw on one channel someone say the inspections aren't even legit considering it's pretty much self-declaration because the inspectors are Iranian. I saw on another channel, the Trump bullshit about the deal gives them a hundred billion dollars is bullshit because that was their own money to begin with that was frozen, not USA giving them our money.