Elections Trump pushes Nikki Haley birther theory that she is ineligible due to foreign born parents


Plutonium Belt
Apr 9, 2007
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- Donald Trump pushed the Nikki Haley birther theory, which claims she is eligible to be president because her parents were not US citizens when she was born in the US, so she is not a natural born citizen.


As Nikki Haley surges in Republican polls, former President Donald Trump has turned to his social media outlet where he is promoting a "birther" conspiracy theory against the former South Carolina governor.

Trump posted an article on his Truth Social account from a right wing outlet that claims Haley is ineligible to be president because her parents were not U.S. citizens when she was born.

Former President Donald J. Trump has reached back into his brand of nativism to accuse a political opponent of color — this time, Nikki Haley — of not being a real American eligible for the presidency as he defends his own eligibility for the ballot under the Constitution.

On his social media site on Monday, Mr. Trump reposted a report by The Gateway Pundit, an website influential in the pro-Trump community that traffics in all manner of conspiracy theories, sowing doubt about Ms. Haley’s U.S. citizenship as polls show her cutting into Mr. Trump’s lead in New Hampshire. The report falsely claims that because Ms. Haley’s Indian immigrant parents were not yet citizens when she was born in South Carolina, she is disqualified “from presidential or vice-presidential candidacy under the 12th amendment.”


Trump's mother was born in Scotland, so by this rightwing logic Trump was never eligible either.
- Donald Trump pushed the Nikki Haley birther theory, which claims she is eligible to be president because her parents were not US citizens when she was born in the US, so she is not a natural born citizen.


As Nikki Haley surges in Republican polls, former President Donald Trump has turned to his social media outlet where he is promoting a "birther" conspiracy theory against the former South Carolina governor.

Trump posted an article on his Truth Social account from a right wing outlet that claims Haley is ineligible to be president because her parents were not U.S. citizens when she was born.

Former President Donald J. Trump has reached back into his brand of nativism to accuse a political opponent of color — this time, Nikki Haley — of not being a real American eligible for the presidency as he defends his own eligibility for the ballot under the Constitution.

On his social media site on Monday, Mr. Trump reposted a report by The Gateway Pundit, an website influential in the pro-Trump community that traffics in all manner of conspiracy theories, sowing doubt about Ms. Haley’s U.S. citizenship as polls show her cutting into Mr. Trump’s lead in New Hampshire. The report falsely claims that because Ms. Haley’s Indian immigrant parents were not yet citizens when she was born in South Carolina, she is disqualified “from presidential or vice-presidential candidacy under the 12th amendment.”


Trump's mother was born in Scotland, so by this rightwing logic Trump was never eligible either.
trump is a letter of the law dude........
She is a piece of shit no matter where her parents were born. All of these politicians are scum including Trump and Haley. Build a giant brazen bull and let them be the first to test it.
Why is she a piece of shit? I admit I don't know much about her.
Its almost like trump is a liar and likes to slander people
Trump is so fucking dumb he talked himself into another lawsuit by Carroll.
What is the over/under on the amount of times she sues him for slander? I put it at 5 because Trump is the awful combo of arrogance, impulsive and low IQ.
Well that's stupid as heck since she was born in the USA. He would have been better calling her an anchor baby.
Trump is so fucking dumb he talked himself into another lawsuit by Carroll.
What is the over/under on the amount of times she sues him for slander? I put it at 5 because Trump is the awful combo of arrogance, impulsive and low IQ.
Its really bizarre that someone would ask why trump does things like this. This you cant fault trump on. He brags to his own crowds and in court that he is a rich celebrity so he can do what he wants.
Not surprising. His base has shown that they respond to messaging that paints people Trump doesn't like as "others".

People don't like being labelled as xenophobic. But Trump's way of stirring up his supporters is heavily influenced by the idea that they are xenophobic at their core.

He codes it in various ways but it is a frequent theme for him. And, given his political success, it would be hard to argue that he's reading his base incorrectly.

EDIT: This should be probably be something that someone writes about. The extent to which Trump's messaging and, more recently, overt GOP messaging is definitively about the very characteristics his base claim they don't support. I'm sure it's been done but it's probably time to make an updated version.
she is all about the military industrial complex pushing us into conflicts and she is a politician.

Her tenure as UN ambassador was pretty fucking cringe. She was constantly spinning in circles, flipping between normal republican foreign policy, and defending orange boys midnight tweets about how Russia is amazing and how much he loves Kim Jong Un.