Elections Trump Indicted On 91 Counts

So, tell us @Jacket time, how was the government supposed to get the classified material back? Don't dick tuck. Try to have some dignity and answer the question. Should they have just thrown up their hands, acquiesced to defeat? "Well, Trump doesn't want to cooperate, so I guess that's that!"


1. The national archives repeatedly asked for them starting in May of 2021.
2. A grand jury issued a subpoena for them in May of 2022.
3. Trump certified he handed over all remaining documents in June of 2022.

It was over a year of stalling and lies. When the raid happened, they did, indeed, find more material. So, how were they supposed to get it? What should they have done instead?!?!
They sure don't like Trump
after 80 yrs suddenly 91 felonies pop up over stupid shit
now we learn they would have killed his ass.
They have to be prepared to use deadly force during all their raids, why should raiding Maro Lardo be any different?
So, tell us @Jacket time, how was the government supposed to get the classified material back? Don't dick tuck. Try to have some dignity and answer the question. Should they have just thrown up their hands, acquiesced to defeat? "Well, Trump doesn't want to cooperate, so I guess that's that!"


1. The national archives repeatedly asked for them starting in May of 2021.
2. A grand jury issued a subpoena for them in May of 2022.
3. Trump certified he handed over all remaining documents in June of 2022.

It was over a year of stalling and lies. When the raid happened, they did, indeed, find more material. So, how were they supposed to get it? What should they have done instead?!?!

didn't the local florida FBI office say they were open to more discussions and the DC branch shut'em down and raided him anyway?
didn't the local florida FBI office say they were open to more discussions and the DC branch shut'em down and raided him anyway?
That's all a moot point. What is there left to discuss? Trump swore he handed all the material back. Would further discussions have caused him to go, "You know what? I was lying. I still have a bunch of it. I feel bad and now I'm going to finally give it to you." No.

He was lying, as the raid proved.
good thing biden is clean and would never have documents himself, and assuming he did, which he never would, he's sharp as a tack and would remember it.
good thing biden is clean and would never have documents himself, and assuming he did, which he never would, he's sharp as a tack and would remember it.
When Biden was informed he had classified documents that needed to be returned, he returned him, and that was the end. This same option was open to Trump; instead, he chose to repeatedly lie, hide them, and even lose some of them.

Exactly how many times do you need this explained to you? 1000? 2000?
When Biden was informed he had classified documents that needed to be returned, he returned him, and that was the end. This same option was open to Trump; instead, he chose to repeatedly lie, hide them, and even lose some of them.

Exactly how many times do you need this explained to you? 1000? 2000?

"of course you can have these documents back after i used them for illegal means, even though unlike trump i was never president with the legal right to even have them on me. we're good now, right?".
When do local offices ever get to override the decisions made by the lead investigators? If this is even true. Do you have a source that isn't a Sherdogger?

i was partly wrong. apparently some of the washington guys wanted to slow down on it.

copy-pasting showing weird symbols for some reason...

skimmed a few pages, there's probably more in there i haven't read.

Showdown before the raid: FBI agents and prosecutors argued over Trump

Months of disputes between Jus�ce Department prosecutors and FBI agents over how best to try to
recover classified documents from Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club and residence led to a tense
showdown near the end of July last year, according to four people familiar with the discussions.

Prosecutors argued that new evidence suggested Trump was knowingly concealing secret documents at
his Palm Beach, Fla., home and urged the FBI to conduct a surprise raid at the property. But two senior
FBI officials who would be in charge of leading the search resisted the plan as too comba�ve and
proposed instead to seek Trump’s permission to search his property, according to the four people, who
spoke on the condi�on of anonymity to describe a sensi�ve inves�ga�on.
Star�ng in May, FBI agents in the Washington field office had sought to slow the probe, urging cau�on
given its extraordinary sensi�vity, the people said.

Some of those field agents wanted to shuter the criminal inves�ga�on altogether in early June, a�er
Trump’s legal team asserted a diligent search had been conducted and all classified records had been
turned over, according to some people with knowledge of the discussions.

The disagreements stemmed in large part from worries among officials that whatever steps they took in
inves�ga�ng a former president would face intense scru�ny and second-guessing by people inside and
outside the government.
However, the agents, who typically perform the bulk of the inves�ga�ve work
in cases, and the prosecutors, who guide agents’ work and decide on criminal charges, ul�mately
focused on very different pi�alls, according to people familiar with their discussions.

The FBI agents’ cau�on also was rooted in the fact that mistakes in prior probes of Hillary Clinton and
Trump had proved damaging to the FBI, and the cases subjected the bureau to sustained public atacks
from par�sans, the people said.

Steven M. D’Antuono, then the head of the FBI Washington field office, which was running the

inves�ga�on, was adamant the FBI should not do a surprise search, according to the people.
D’Antuono said he would agree to lead such a raid only if he were ordered to, according to two of the
people. The two other people said D’Antuono did not refuse to do the search but argued that it should

be a consensual search agreed to by Trump’s legal team. He repeatedly urged that the FBI instead seek
to persuade Corcoran to agree to a consensual search of the property, said all four of the people.
Tempers ran high in the mee�ng. Brat raised his voice at �mes and stressed to the FBI agents that the
�me for trus�ng Trump and his lawyer was over, some of the people said. He reminded them of the new
footage sugges�ng Trump or his aides could be concealing classified records at the Florida club.
Acting like SS and Trump were going to start shooting. come on now

The sentence you are quoting (which is a citation relating to the general going's on of serving a warrant), only mentions the routine "lethal force can be used when necessary....", and then cites the legal requirements for various degrees of force.

It wasn't a preemptive declaration of using deadly force or somehow circumventing the law.

Christ, I know you guys don't really read the stuff you copy and paste over here, but this one is really really stupid.