Trump doesn't want immigrants from s***hole countries

Are these countries shithole countries?

No....uhhh,....they're....ummm....impoverished....war torn.....poorly educated....ummmm...

Is Oprah still running for President? Can we talk about that?
IMO Trump exposing himself for the world to see is a good thing. All he does is confrmin what people already know about him. He makes it very clear who he is and what he stands for.
liberals acting like it's the end of the world on other forums. jims fully shaken and stirred.

racist! bigot!

that uniform is way out of regs.
No....uhhh,....they're....ummm....impoverished....war torn.....poorly educated....ummmm...

Is Oprah still running for President? Can we talk about that?
These war room nutters probably think these countries are shitty because of White people.
Everybody already knows these countries are shitholes.

People just got their feelings hurt that Trump called them shitholes.

Maybe he should've just called them "bad places" as to not offend the crybabies. Who the fuck am I kidding? Liberals would be offended by that too.

Or he could act and speak like an adult, and not like a dumb cunt all the time. It's amazing how far people will compromise their character and principles for a man who has neither. It is going to suck for the next democratic president, having to rehabilitate our image worldwide, for the second time in 20 years.
I don’t really give a shit that he calls poor countries shitholes. I care that he doesn’t seem to understand why we would get more immigration from poorer countries than we would from countries like Sweden. And the obvious racist overtones of his statement, but that’s nothing new. I really just can’t stand how fucking stupid he is.
The irony is that Haitians make up a large employment group that work at the mar lago golf course! You can’t make this stuff up!

When it comes to the hospitality industry, though, Trump is much more, well, hospitable. His Administration recently made it harder to get H1-B visas, but he has expressed no objection to the visa category that hotels and resorts use—the H-2B—to attract low-cost, low-skilled seasonal labor. In fact, at Mar-a-Lago, his Palm Beach club, the visas are still in active use. Why the exception to the no-exception rule?

I almost can't believe he would really say this, too much to believe.

White House statement, not denying it.
He talks like a normal person & not a puppet bitch. I agree with him 100%, but I can see how pussies might be offended. That's just too bad. People from shithole countries need to stay away from us. Let too many of them in & next thing you know, we have a shithole country too. Luckily we have Trump to keep that from happening. Life is unfair. We can't be heros for everyone.

And anyone who supports allowing "shithole country" people into our country, better have a spare bedroom & money to feed them or they need pipe down.
I remember a time when a president calling other countries "shitholes" while he was working on immigration reform was a problem because he's talking like an uneducated adult. Forget the implications of what he means, the fact that he can't articulate it without sounding like a stupid teenager is what scares me most.
It’s like the wild west with Trump on Capitol Hill. No one knows what he will say next.
Remember when trump fans flipped out when jamele hill called trump a racist?
At this point trump saying he has dementia is probably the best excuse

You're suggesting this was a racist comment from Trump?

Today's gotta be the world record for most times the word "shit" is said on basic cable TV in daytime.

I feel like they should have had the "shit" counter like South Park did back in the day.
He talks like a normal person & not a puppet bitch. I agree with him 100%, but I can see how pussies might be offended. That's just too bad. People from shithole countries need to stay away from us. Let too many of them in & next thing you know, we have a shithole country too. Luckily we have Trump to keep that from happening. Life is unfair. We can't be heros for everyone.

And anyone who supports allowing "shithole country" people into our country, better have a spare bedroom & money to feed them or they need pipe down.

"Give us your tired, your poor..."

It's so good seeing patriots remember what America is all about: telling people looking for a better life to "fuck off back to their shithole country".
Coming from You?


You're not in a position to judge anyone on being a cunt or acting like an adult. You're an immature, dishonest troll who gives absolutely nothing to any conversation, this one included. Go ignore a science textbook.
Well he wasn't wrong. They are shithole countries.

He could have been more diplomatic about it, but he's not a career politician.

If they weren't shitholes, their population would work to prove him wrong.

But he's right.

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