Top 10 News Events of 2017??


Nazi Punks Fuck Off
Platinum Member
May 11, 2016
Reaction score
What were the most significant events of the year in your eyes?

This could be an especially interesting discussion in a day and age where popular news media outlets often do not agree on what is “significant.”

For the sake of this discussion, a “news event” will be considered in the hard news sense: something that happened on a specific date, as opposed to an “ongoing situation.”

So “Michael Flynn pleads guilty” or “Obamacare repeal vote fails in Senate” is an event, but “Russia Investigation” or “Alt-right movement” is not.

Let’s hear from some of our local luminaries:

@Jack V Savage
@HomerThompson (Bomaye)

Don’t be offended if not tagged... just looking at end of year thread.

I’m going to have a think and look at some of the replies before creating my own list.

Some quick thoughts, not yet in any order...

Harvey Weinstein Steps Down
Trump’s NFL Tweet/ Protest
GOP Tax Bill Passes
Net Neutrality Repealled
US Pulls Out of Paris Treaty
Las Vegas Shooting
Hurricane Maria
Steve Bannon Leaves White House
Doug Jones Wins Alabama

Obviously I focus a lot more on domestic affairs... I’d love to see some lists that combined domestic and international events.
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Hurricane Harvey.

Probably doesn't count according to the rules you laid out, but bitcoin's run up to $10k.

Hurricane Irma.

Las Vegas shooting.

North Korea launching a missle.
The biggest story of 2017 is easily the soft coup attempt carried out against our democratically elected president coordinated by the deep state, Clinton & Obama officials, establishment democrats & republicans, and the mainstream media.

This is one of the biggest stories in the history of our country. Right up there with the Lincoln and Kennedy assassinations.
The biggest story of 2017 is easily the soft coup attempt carried out against our democratically elected president coordinated by the deep state, Clinton & Obama officials, establishment democrats & republicans, and the mainstream media.

This is one of the biggest stories in the history of our country. Right up there with the Lincoln and Kennedy assassinations.
And that’s what I get for extending an olive branch...
The biggest story of 2017 is easily the soft coup attempt carried out against our democratically elected president coordinated by the deep state, Clinton & Obama officials, establishment democrats & republicans, and the mainstream media.

This is one of the biggest stories in the history of our country. Right up there with the Lincoln and Kennedy assassinations.

Please read the OP and don't come back until something dope hits you
That's a very US-based list. None of that is really going to matter in 10 or so years. Maybe the Tax plan when it all explodes in the US face.

I would say Xi consolidation of power was the most significant news.
The UK election concerning the Brexit was also big news.

Those are going to affect people's live 50 - 100 years from now.
No one is going to remember Trump at that time outside of a joke.
The biggest story of 2017 is easily the soft coup attempt carried out against our democratically elected president coordinated by the deep state, Clinton & Obama officials, establishment democrats & republicans, and the mainstream media.

This is one of the biggest stories in the history of our country. Right up there with the Lincoln and Kennedy assassinations.


Vegas shooting. That was messed in terms of domestic.
The US recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is going to be pretty huge going forward.
The Vegas Shooting, though people barely talk about it now.
North Korea's missile launches.
ISIS being routed, but roaches are hard to squash.
The firings of so many Trump appointees. I feel like Mueller might still get that pink lump of coal in his stocking.
That's a very US-based list. None of that is really going to matter in 10 or so years. Maybe the Tax plan when it all explodes in the US face.

I would say Xi consolidation of power was the most significant news.
The UK election concerning the Brexit was also big news.

Those are going to affect people's live 50 - 100 years from now.
No one is going to remember Trump at that time outside of a joke.

Brexit for sure. I was staying local.

Trump will probably die in office in 2020.
The natural disaster fest.

Pervert gate.

Trump's victory over the NFL.

Misdemeanor HIV in Cali.

Fall of ISIS

Statue gate

Trudeau government awarding a convicted Islamic terrorist $10,000,000

Las Vegas shooting

Alabama not going full Alabama

Tax reform/ACA repeal(sort of) in one fell swoop.
The biggest story of 2017 is easily the soft coup attempt carried out against our democratically elected president coordinated by the deep state, Clinton & Obama officials, establishment democrats & republicans, and the mainstream media.

This is one of the biggest stories in the history of our country. Right up there with the Lincoln and Kennedy assassinations.
The biggest story of 2017 is easily the soft coup attempt carried out against our democratically elected president coordinated by the deep state, Clinton & Obama officials, establishment democrats & republicans, and the mainstream media.

This is one of the biggest stories in the history of our country. Right up there with the Lincoln and Kennedy assassinations.
ignores @luckyshot and goes off on his usual nutty tangents

someone get this man a tinfoil hat for Christmas

And a dictionary so he can look up the definition of a coup.
Trump firing Comey. It's what led to the special prosecutor being named. Digging your own grave is fun!
The biggest story of 2017 is easily the soft coup attempt carried out against our democratically elected president coordinated by the deep state, Clinton & Obama officials, establishment democrats & republicans, and the mainstream media.

This is one of the biggest stories in the history of our country. Right up there with the Lincoln and Kennedy assassinations.

You'd make a great historian.

The biggest story of 2017 is easily the soft coup attempt carried out against our democratically elected president coordinated by the deep state, Clinton & Obama officials, establishment democrats & republicans, and the mainstream media.

This is one of the biggest stories in the history of our country. Right up there with the Lincoln and Kennedy assassinations.
