things not to do in dubai

sir loin

Jul 19, 2015
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Dubai is a fun and frivolous playground on the Persian Gulf. While this eclectic city is one of the most permissive, relaxed, cosmopolitan destinations in the region, you do have to watch your behavior.

Don’t Do Drugs

Just say no to dabbling in drugs in Dubai. This should be common sense, but it’s worth stressing here. Dubai has a zero tolerance policy towards possession, use and selling of illicit substances. It goes beyond the standard list of illegal narcotics you’d expect like marijuana, ecstasy, heroine and cocaine. Even prescription pharmaceuticals and some over-the-counter medications may be considered contraband. Some travelers have been incarcerated for carrying codeine-based painkillers in their toiletry kit.

Don’t Drink in Public

Dubai is one of the most liberal locations in the Muslim world when it comes to booze consumption. However you have to respect the rules, be discreet and not cross the line or you could be in big trouble. Foreign residents are allowed to drink alcohol at home if they obtain a license. Public inebriation is not tolerated here. Once you step out and appear even slightly tipsy you may be arrested.

No Song and Dance

Playing loud music and dancing in the open is not allowed in Dubai.

No Kissing

Public displays of affection are considered indecent in Dubai, so keep your make-out sessions completely private. One twosome was arrested for locking lips in the back of a taxi.

Watch Your Tongue

No public cussing here, please. A tourist was charged with saying “what the fuck” to an undercover policeman a while back. Bite your tongue and keep the insults, profanity and vulgar language to yourself. And do not under any circumstances spout any blasphemous or disparaging remarks against Islam in Dubai. This is considered a serious, punishable offense and more than a handful of foreigners have been put in prison for making an off-the-cuff comment.

Watch Your Photography

In Dubai it is considered rude and intrusive to snap shots of people, especially women, without expressed permission.


While other places in the world are getting more accepting of LGBT lifestyles, the UAE is definitely not a place to flaunt it. Any sexual relations outside of a traditional heterosexual marriage is considered a crime in Dubai. Even cross-dressing is illegal here.

Don’t Eat in Public During Ramadan

If you happen to be in Dubai during the holy month of Ramadan (the ninth month of the Islamic calendar), do not eat, or drink in public while Muslims are fasting from dawn til dusk.

Don’t Use Your Left Hand

The left hand is traditionally used for “body hygiene” in Muslim cultures, therefore be mindful to avoid using it in certain circumstances. Don’t greet anyone with a left handed shake. Don’t open doors with your left hand. Don’t hand somebody something with your left hand. Definitely don’t eat with your left hand.
Man it's going to hard for left handed people.

Dubai is a fun and frivolous playground on the Persian Gulf.

Yes, that list has me convinced that it's an amazing place to go.

As soon as oil isn't worth trillions of dollars per year Dubai will return to the desert sands.

My grandfather rode a camel, my father rode a camel, I drive a Mercedes, my son drives a Land Rover, his son will drive a Land Rover, but his son will ride a camel,
I have no desire to visit Dubai nor most middle eastern countries outside of say, Iran, which Ive heard is fucking beautiful to backpack around and the everyday people are lovely.

Dubai just seems like a fucking materialists paradise. I don't care if I can drink a beer that costs ten times the amount it would elsewhere, in a bar full of millionaires and wannabe millionaires. Who the fuck would I talk to?

It's one of those places that looks cool, for me, but I never wanna bother with it.
I would literally be in jail within 15 minutes.
I'll pass thanks....
I would walk down the street repeatedly yelling what the fuuuuu in a skirt with a beats pill jamming wu tang clan while masturbating left handed.

Like I usually do when I'm fucked up on spray paint fumes and hallucinogenic frog venom.
I'am a professional musician and have done several contracts in Dubai over the years, most of what you said is on point, very sky-is-blue shit.

Mind you i worked in nightclubs attached to 5 star hotels...lots of booze, dancing, sex, etc. You just need to know where to go. I've worked all over the Middle East (Oman, Qatar, SA, AD, etc), and Dubai is by far the most liberal. I personally had great times, i followed the public rules and partied my ass off.
I have no desire to visit Dubai nor most middle eastern countries outside of say, Iran, which Ive heard is fucking beautiful to backpack around and the everyday people are lovely.

Dubai just seems like a fucking materialists paradise. I don't care if I can drink a beer that costs ten times the amount it would elsewhere, in a bar full of millionaires and wannabe millionaires. Who the fuck would I talk to?

It's one of those places that looks cool, for me, but I never wanna bother with it.

Yeah Dubai has a Vegas kind of vibe in that sense. Muscat, Oman i really enjoyed. Iran DOES have some amazing sites. I actually really liked Doha in Qatar as well.
Our port brief said don't do this


because showing the bottom of your foot is the equivalent of flipping the bird.

Also don't get into a cab until you've negotiated the fare.
Note to self: never visit Dubai

Dubai is a fun and frivolous playground on the Persian Gulf. While this eclectic city is one of the most permissive, relaxed, cosmopolitan destinations in the region, you do have to watch your behavior.


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