The fallacy of animal cruelty

Right but we're not talking about beating and raping women. We're talking about eating food for sustenance. It's a bit ridiculous to even make that comparison, as it assumes that everyone even thinks animals should have the same rights as people. And many, many people do not think that. A large part of the reason why, is we have been omnivores for millions of years. And being omnivorous was absolutely essential to our survival.

So now, that it has suddenly been possible to survive without eating meat for roughly one generation, everyone that eats meat is evil? Even though our food supply, like most of our resources, is not under our control but that of large immoral corporations? Such black and white reasoning is a little silly to me.

Like I said, living in a horribly corrupt country like America it's almost impossible to avoid supporting big corporations and sleazy practices. Am I a bad person for buying clothing at ANY large retailer, knowing it's made in sweatshops by children? How about if I own the newest Iphone or other device that is manufactured by what are essentially slaves? If I buy diamonds without thoroughly researching how and where they are mined? Am I evil if I don't revolt against the government for constant war profiteering for the last two decades? For using medication developed by sleazy big pharma? I could go on for days.

It's ludicrous to blame the consumer. The blame lies with corporations willing to bribe the shit out of politicians to look the other way, and our politicians for being such sleazy pieces of shit. Nearly every industry is run by monolithic corporations willing to do anything for profit. You want people to put all this thought into where and how their food is produced. Ok fine. The problem is if you put that kind of research into damn near anything in this country, you'd never be able to go anywhere, buy anything, or do anything. Because the entire goddamn world is run by greedy immoral bastards. This is what happens when you attempt to remove regulation from capitalism, because of that tasty bribe money.

Comparing the two isn't the goal at all, it's about how ALL early Man attributes (that ignored property rights, animal cruelty standards, human rights, due process, all modern provisions) are filtered through the laws today unless you live in regimes that haven't modernized those areas and may still allow things like honor killing or treating wives like property because old-world traditionalism still drives ugly machines like caste systems and infidelity stonings and child marriage. That doesn't equate those practices to diet, it puts their allowance under the same old-world traditionalism rhetoric that has become increasingly checked by modern rights, which improves a lot of lives for people worldwide buddy. More than people on the internet appreciate.

Having a nostalgia for pre-law living is like taking up post-structuralism as a hobby only to run around pursuing every idea you desire - all theory, philosophy, economics, ideology, anthropology, still has to filter its current applications through the rules of modern civilization

No laws mandate vegetarianism, veganism, or forbid meat eating so your complaint there sounds like "why is a shitty person yelling at me on the internet about my dietary preference?" ...that's fine. But don't blame modernization for some internet poster giving you a hard time.

Animal cruelty laws are a thing in the USA. You have to suck it up and observe them.

You may disagree with tons of laws. That's allowed. You may hold the personal opinion that the races aren't equal. You may hold the personal opinion that dog fighting should still be a sport (hell, some countries that observe it) but "some countries" do a lot of shit we consider violate international humane protections, and that is what motivated International Tribunals and Organizations to help people living under regimes that would not modernize at the cost of International Human Rights. There are absolutely less provisions for animals on an international scale, so that standard falls to national policy from country to country

If you want to go all Ted Bundy on your meat source, go live in a less modernized country with old-world standards of practice, just know that sanctions in response to violation of International Rules of Warfare, Human Rights and Environmental Protections were created to specifically discourage abuses at the hands of those same old-world framing devices that are still used worldwide to fuck up people and animals and the natural environment consequence-free

You have the luxury of living in a country that can afford to have those protections in place. Many populations do not
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