The evolution of beautiful women. Is interesting to think about


Meijer -- LMAO! You're just missing the FAygo aisle.

@JSN @Gutter Chris
Ever seen a woman without makeup??? They are fucking gross looking. Even the hottest ones. Sometimes I don't even want to plaster their face.
It's simple.

Men go after women primarily for their looks. Women go after men for a variety of reasons, with the ability to provide and protect being at the forefront.

The women who are most likely to reproduce will be good-looking and the men most likely to reproduce will be good providers/protectors. Enough said
Wow. Explain Welfare and Unemployment then lol.
You mean the evolution of make up, fair hair, fake eyelashes, fake lips, fake tits, fake asses, thick frames on glasses to hide crows feet, and photo filters.
No, no, no, no, hell yes, no, no, no.
Ever seen a woman without makeup??? They are fucking gross looking. Even the hottest ones. Sometimes I don't even want to plaster their face.
Man I love seeing the non-spackled version of women i’ve dated. They of course look good all dressed up nice, but seeing them lounging in sweats with no makeup appeals to me also, just in a different way.
I think women are becoming more generic in looks. Every single Instagram chick in the Gif thread looks similar. Women look younger longer, but also don't have that more mature bone structure, their faces are a lot softer. I think it's partly due to most of the U.S. being mutts with a bunch of ethnicities being mashed together over the generations which can lose unique features that certain ethnicities have, that combined with the looking younger longer thing. We're not really seeing any Rita Hayworths, Gene Tierney's, Raquel Welch's, Sharon Tates, Jacqueline Smiths, or Christie Brinkleys, who even when they were young had a certain mature womanly look. The average woman may look better, I don't know (though with better makeup, access to makeup tutorials, and more prevalent plastic surgery you can never be too sure), but there aren't ones that stand out as much at the top.
I think that's part of why a big deal was made over Megan Fox, especially when she lost her babyfat and her bone structure became more pronounced around the time of Jennifer's Body (too bad she ruined that with botox), same with Olivia Wilde when she first hit it big around the time of Alpha Dog and the next batch of years that followed, they both had a more mature and unique look despite being in their early 20's. The girl that played Sif in the Thor movies (and has/had that NBC show where she is covered in tattoos) has that as well, she looks more like a classic movie star.
She wasnt latino. Her father was born in Spain and her mother was irish american.

My bad. Her “Hispanic” heritage. White or Hispanic, she was still a dime.
Man I love seeing the non-spackled version of women i’ve dated. They of course look good all dressed up nice, but seeing them lounging in sweats with no makeup appeals to me also, just in a different way.

He is gay. Victoria secret models without makeup arent ugly.