The Dungeons and Dragons Megathread v2

No the D&D Beyond character sheets are good enough for me. All spells are linked to their description, spell prepared/known are listed by level. Takes 0 thought on my part.

Ah, yes, that's definitely best. We sit around a table in the family room in front of the TV to play so we don't use D&DBeyond on tablets for each of us. We see our DM and VTT on the TV which is cool. On our table, we have everything physical like dice, dice trays, character sheets, spell trackers, spell cards, superiority dice holders, and tokens. Need to get the potion of healing. Check out all our cool stuff below:





Killed our first dragon gents. Cryovain is no more.

We get to the rooftop and he is waiting. Breath attacks us all. Drops two of the orcs. Deals 50 damage. Fighter son and I save and take 25 damage. We would have been out if we took the full damage. We can only see 10 feet because of the wind and blizzard. Cryovain is in the darkness. We met a specter earlier in the hold who agreed to help us. She flies in and illuminates the area for us. Then it's on.

I have an epic first attack round:

12 + 4 menacing = 16 damage.

7 + 5 menacing = 12 damage.

Action Surge.

Natural freaking 20. 8 doubled to 16 + 5 str/prof bonus = 21 then 5 menacing doubled to 10 = 31 total damage. BOOM.

And another natural freaking 20. 3 doubled to 6 + 5 str/prof bonus = 11 then 6 menacing doubled to 12 = 23 damage.

82 damage total.

Cryovain has a mate. Another white dragon. Teef Splitta the legendary orc appears and goes one-on-one with the other dragon. Cryovain is seriously bloodied and takes to the sky. He flies around in the darkness waiting for his breath attack to recharge. We spread out and wait.

Cryovain dives from the sky, breath attacks our fighter son, and freaking crashes through the stone rooftop taking them both down into the room below. DM tells our son it's now a one-on-one battle with Cryovain to the death. Cryovain is on death's door. Son attacks and hears:

How do you want to do this?

We erupt in victory yelling!

Son receives the title of Dragon Slayer.

The loot. Dragon's Wrath axe named Oathkeeper. Very powerful weapon. Will identify it when we get back to Phandalin.

Legendary orc keeps the treasure horde as we agreed.

War Pick of Warning. Adamantine plate mail armor.

Son and wife level to 6. I'll level to 6 once my soul is restored.

Session ends for the dragon slayers.


Forgot to mention we leveled up. Well, our fighter son and wife bard did. I did not because I felt I have to restore my soul before I can take my first level in Cleric. Currently a level 5 fighter. Going to take War Priest which is cool because you get the following. So I'll be able to Attack (two attacks), war priest bonus attack, Action Surge to Attack (two attacks), then war priest bonus attack again. Six attacks. Plus, I have a 16 WIS so I can do three war priest bonus attacks a day.

Fighter son has 67 hp now. Bard has Counterspell and Fireball. :D

War Priest
From 1st level, your god delivers bolts of inspiration to you while you are engaged in battle. When you use the Attack action , you can make one weapon attack as a bonus action.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Forgot to mention we leveled up. Well, our fighter son and wife bard did. I did not because I felt I have to restore my soul before I can take my first level in Cleric. Currently a level 5 fighter. Going to take War Priest which is cool because you get the following. So I'll be able to Attack (two attacks), war priest bonus attack, Action Surge to Attack (two attacks), then war priest bonus attack again. Six attacks. Plus, I have a 16 WIS so I can do three war priest bonus attacks a day.

Fighter son has 67 hp now. Bard has Counterspell and Fireball. :D

War Priest
From 1st level, your god delivers bolts of inspiration to you while you are engaged in battle. When you use the Attack action , you can make one weapon attack as a bonus action.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

I dont think you can use both acion surge and war priest combined, since they are both bonus actions.

But war priest gives you an extra 3rd attack to use if you've exhausted actions surge.
I dont think you can use both acion surge and war priest combined, since they are both bonus actions.

But war priest gives you an extra 3rd attack to use if you've exhausted actions surge.

Ah, good point. Here's what our DM said:

You can only bonus action once per turn, regardless if you action surge or not. There's nothing I know of in D&D that allows you to gain more than one bonus action a round as well. But your maximum would be five attacks in one round, and then following turns you can bonus action attack as many times as your WIS mod.

Me: Ah, got it. So I could attack (two attacks), war priest attack, action surge (two attacks) for a total of five attacks? Then my next turn, I could attack (two attacks) and war priest attack for a total of three attracks?

DM: Yes.

So it looks like I can use war priest attack once with an action surge which would give me a total of five attacks. That's pretty cool.
Anyone know of a good website to buy specific dice rather than the full set? For instance, I want to buy a specific color of D6 and D8 dice. I know there's Dice Game Depot, but does anyone know of any others?
Had our weekly session last night. Rousing good time. Spent the whole session celebrating in the Stone Hill Inn in Phandalin. DM is great. Always plays music and has maps for everything, including the inside of the inn. Dance contest to Irish pub music, bard wife suggests we get married in the inn, end up having a double ceremony with Sildar Hallwinter and Thyla Starr (his long lost love). Cake eating contest. Good times. Next session, we start our long journey to Waterdeep to try to restore my soul.

We identified the weapon from Cryovain's horde. Our fighter son is ecstatic. DM warned us though. Don't flash it around otherwise people will try to steal it such as Xanathar's Guild or the Black Network.


Wakened Dragon's Wrath Weapon

Generic variant, very rare (requires attunement)

This weapon is decorated with dragon heads, claws, wings, scales, or Draconic letters. When it steeps in a dragon's hoard, it absorbs the energy of the dragon's breath weapon and deals damage of that type with its special properties.

Whenever you roll a 20 on your attack roll with this weapon, each creature of your choice within 5 feet of the target takes 5 damage of the type dealt by the dragon's breath weapon. [Cold]

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made using the weapon. On a hit, the weapon deals an extra 2d6 damage of the type dealt by the dragon's breath weapon. [Cold]

As an action, you can unleash a 30-foot cone of destructive energy from the weapon. Each creature in that area must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 8d6 damage of the type dealt by the dragon's breath weapon on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Once this action is used, it can't be used again until the next dawn.
Killed our first dragon gents. Cryovain is no more.

We get to the rooftop and he is waiting. Breath attacks us all. Drops two of the orcs. Deals 50 damage. Fighter son and I save and take 25 damage. We would have been out if we took the full damage. We can only see 10 feet because of the wind and blizzard. Cryovain is in the darkness. We met a specter earlier in the hold who agreed to help us. She flies in and illuminates the area for us. Then it's on.

I have an epic first attack round:

12 + 4 menacing = 16 damage.

7 + 5 menacing = 12 damage.

Action Surge.

Natural freaking 20. 8 doubled to 16 + 5 str/prof bonus = 21 then 5 menacing doubled to 10 = 31 total damage. BOOM.

And another natural freaking 20. 3 doubled to 6 + 5 str/prof bonus = 11 then 6 menacing doubled to 12 = 23 damage.

82 damage total.

Cryovain has a mate. Another white dragon. Teef Splitta the legendary orc appears and goes one-on-one with the other dragon. Cryovain is seriously bloodied and takes to the sky. He flies around in the darkness waiting for his breath attack to recharge. We spread out and wait.

Cryovain dives from the sky, breath attacks our fighter son, and freaking crashes through the stone rooftop taking them both down into the room below. DM tells our son it's now a one-on-one battle with Cryovain to the death. Cryovain is on death's door. Son attacks and hears:

How do you want to do this?

We erupt in victory yelling!

Son receives the title of Dragon Slayer.

The loot. Dragon's Wrath axe named Oathkeeper. Very powerful weapon. Will identify it when we get back to Phandalin.

Legendary orc keeps the treasure horde as we agreed.

War Pick of Warning. Adamantine plate mail armor.

Son and wife level to 6. I'll level to 6 once my soul is restored.

Session ends for the dragon slayers.


Returned to Phandalin. Rested up. Told Sildar of some foreboding I've been feeling about the town. Evil may be coming. Our pet goblin, Pix, in Tresendar Manor said someone approached him to rebuild the manor and declare him Lord Pix. Something isn't right. We warned Pix and Sildar of this person who apparently had a demon clasp.

We had a long trip to Waterdeep. Luckily without any adverse encounters. Our session ends about a mile from the city gate.

Any recommendations for places we should check out in Waterdeep?
Returned to Phandalin. Rested up. Told Sildar of some foreboding I've been feeling about the town. Evil may be coming. Our pet goblin, Pix, in Tresendar Manor said someone approached him to rebuild the manor and declare him Lord Pix. Something isn't right. We warned Pix and Sildar of this person who apparently had a demon clasp.

We had a long trip to Waterdeep. Luckily without any adverse encounters. Our session ends about a mile from the city gate.

Any recommendations for places we should check out in Waterdeep?

Restful session this week. Entered Waterdeep. Our son is itching to try his new dragon breath attack from his weapon. Wife has fireball now too. We joked we'd go straight to the market then dragon breath and fireball all the helpless citizens.

Took some horse carriages, which my wife thought was funny, to the Fateless Fiddle inn. Lukin Tinn is supposed to be there who may be able to help restore my soul. Turning out to be much harder than anticipated in gaining an audience. We probably talked and debated with the concierge for about 10 minutes before realizing we could have just paid the entry fee for this ritzy establishment.

Had to write a letter requesting an audience. We'll see if we receive a response. Mirt, the richest man in Waterdeep, came through the inn and went behind closed doors. We paid for his food and asked the server to see if he wanted to join our table and hear a tale about dragon slaying. Not sure if he'll be interested.

A retinue of paladins came in. One noticed my cross around my neck and we talked about paths of redemption. The House of Wonder in Waterdeep may be able to offer me some assistance. And here I thought we'd stroll into Waterdeep, find the person to fix me, and viola. Looks like it's not going to be that easy.

Nobody else wants to get in on my D&D Beyond DM account? I own all the books, if I add you to my “campaign” you can see and use for no extra cost to you (besides your D&D Beyond membership). Hit me up if you’re interested, I don’t mind sharing/helping out. I enjoy it so don’t be shy, lol
Nobody else wants to get in on my D&D Beyond DM account? I own all the books, if I add you to my “campaign” you can see and use for no extra cost to you (besides your D&D Beyond membership). Hit me up if you’re interested, I don’t mind sharing/helping out. I enjoy it so don’t be shy, lol

I'm on it and sure do appreciate being able to see everything again! Thank you. Also, thanks for your post on the free stuff. Already synced up LMOP. Waiting for AI !
Thoughts on current spell choices for our bard?


Fighter Battlemaster - level 5 (dad)

Fighter Battlemaster - level 6 (son)

Bard College of Lore High Elf - level 6 (wife)

DM runs two NPCs - Paladin and Ranger, not sure how long they'll remain in our group.

Bard spells:

Note: Our bard has two Wands of Magic Missiles with seven charges each per day and a Spider Staff with 10 charges per day of Web.




Minor Illusion

Vicious Mockery

Level 1:

Disguise Self

Dissonant Whispers

Faerie Fire

Healing Word

Identify (Fey Touched feat)

Level 2:


Misty Step (Fey Touched feat)



Level 3:

Counterspell (Additional Magic Secrets)

Dispel Magic

Fireball (Additional Magic Secrets)

Leomund's Tiny Hut
Anyone else playing Cyberpunk RED? A mate of mine is running a campaign for us and I really enjoy the "high-tech/low-life" flavour that its got. I'm playing a backstreet doctor that dreams of making it as a rock star. We are a few months in and all our characters are still really poor and living in Japanese-style coffin apartments whilst eating kibble and hustling to make ends meet. I really look forward to each session. It's a nice change of pace from fantasy.
1st session of our new 3.5 Spelljammer Campaign

The Kalendri Belt...

1/2 xp rate
Items limited by recommended level or min caster level...
Inflation of 50%-200% depending on locale...
Plus a host of other rules and adaptations in the 286 page bible I wrote...

The Cast
Lunari - Human - Rogue/Ardent/Warlock - She is a Dancer, Pseudo Bard and Noble born... (Distant) also apparently a nudist...
Corraak - Goliath Fighter/Barbarian - The Meat Shield - He is a tad slow-witted and probably dense but his golf bag f weapons and accessories will come in hand. Fucker is carrying around a 20lb tent...
Aagrook - A Hadozee (Monkey man) - Rogue - He is a scratch and sniffer (usually his own ass), has 0 social skills and gas been trying to fuck anything that moves. He frequently masterbates when Lunari is sunbathing...
Zyth - Me - Dust Para-Genasi - Gunslinger (Ranger/Fighter - Variants). Think Billy the kid meets Peter Quill meets Josey Wales.. He speaks with Southern Drawl and is fond of whistling sad ballads. I've adopted a Hick-hop based philosophy and am collecting Country Rap and Hick-hop terminology and sayings. An attitude similar to that of Walter Goggins as Chris Mannix in The Hateful Eight (with a much less racial bent)...
~ "Mud-Crickets be Chirpin... Chickenheads be burpin..."

We are living on an Asteroid (basically he Rock of Brael retuned) in the area known as Green Acres... Yes it's the place to be...

Our first outing was to find some missing children for 50 gp...
We find this is roughly 7 days travel on foot... We can't afford mounts...We trek thee wilds walking and walking and you guessed it walking... It was stormy weather with constant rain and snow setting in... Folks began to get sick... I was lucky as I simply buried my self underground (Dust PG's do not breath) to keep warm overnight.
Finally we find a farm and convince the folks to let us sleep in the barn for some free work... This basically fell on the two big lugs (certainly not large brain pans)... I took to cleaning Cold Ethyl (my +1 pistol) I just call her Ethyl but when she talks back folks get left Cold... I believe Lunari scuttled off to check her luggage or sing and dance while making snow angles... She is truly a Valley Girl mentality...
On we plow... More sloppy landscapes, cold, dreary and damp damp damp...
We finally make it closer to the Barrows where we know Goblin Raiders have holed up in recent times. Finding another barn to escape to we sheltered down again...

Session Close...
Restful session this week. Entered Waterdeep. Our son is itching to try his new dragon breath attack from his weapon. Wife has fireball now too. We joked we'd go straight to the market then dragon breath and fireball all the helpless citizens.

Took some horse carriages, which my wife thought was funny, to the Fateless Fiddle inn. Lukin Tinn is supposed to be there who may be able to help restore my soul. Turning out to be much harder than anticipated in gaining an audience. We probably talked and debated with the concierge for about 10 minutes before realizing we could have just paid the entry fee for this ritzy establishment.

Had to write a letter requesting an audience. We'll see if we receive a response. Mirt, the richest man in Waterdeep, came through the inn and went behind closed doors. We paid for his food and asked the server to see if he wanted to join our table and hear a tale about dragon slaying. Not sure if he'll be interested.

A retinue of paladins came in. One noticed my cross around my neck and we talked about paths of redemption. The House of Wonder in Waterdeep may be able to offer me some assistance. And here I thought we'd stroll into Waterdeep, find the person to fix me, and viola. Looks like it's not going to be that easy.


Ah, it's nice to play D&D during the week. Good mind break from work and life. Fun session. We continued to mill about the Fateless Fiddle Inn. Role played a bit. Was nice to see our son do some role play as well. My wife and I meandered up to our room where I looked out the window to a see a building with the symbol of Lathander. We plan on visiting. It seems to be a temple. Perhaps they can help me.

Our NPC paladin decided to go out solo and follow Mirt, the richest man in Waterdeep. He thought he could gather some info. We received a response back by letter from Lukin, the man who supposedly can restore my soul. Although the letter wasn't signed. It just said to meet at Troll Skull Manor at 10pm. Trap?

We go looking for our paladin at the Yawning Portal. I resist the urge to start the 20 level mega-dungeon. Paladin was here, but left 10 minutes ago. My character senses something is off when he talks to Mirt who is drunk. Our paladin said we'd know where to find him, but we don't. We begin to head toward Troll Skull Manor. 49th session ends.

We plan to have a D&D party for our 50th session. :D

50th session!

After some more role playing in the Troll Skull Alley shops, we arrive at Troll Skull Manor. All boarded up. No one seems to be waiting for us outside. We mill about and turn the corner to find a person standing outside the backdoor. He says he's not there to meet us, there's business going on inside, and they'll be done soon. My character rolls a 1 for insight and thinks everything is fine so we walk off. We end up walking back around again to see that person murdered by someone in red garb. It's on.

I should mention before that our plan was for our bard to use her Staff of Spider Climbing to go up the exterior wall, down the chimney, invert, and spy. Until she noticed there was smoke coming from the chimney. Our great plan goes down in flames.

We see there are multiple people inside in brown garb akin to the murdered one. More red garbs are attacking. We investigate the murdered one to find out he is Zhentarim. So now we're in a classic - who are they, what are they doing, and which side is good and bad? We still don't know who or where the person is that wanted us to meet them there.

Session ends.

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