The BEST NIRVANA songs are the ones you don't hear on the radio

"Anuerysm" warms the cockles of my heart (pun intended).

An interesting thing happened during a practice session with my now-defunct hard-rock/blues band in that we all knew this song and played it. It feels damn-good playing, especially the "Beat it! Beat it!" part ; I tend to like chromatic chord progressions on guitar.
Incesticide was an amazing album for sure. But whatever, most Nirvana fans couldn't care less if it got radio play.
Mother Love Bone are the best band to come out-of seattle. Pearl Jam were a pale imitation.
Nirvana were good, visceral.
Its a decent song...

Im not a huge offspring fan, just like a few of their songs. I rem seeing them on RAAAGGGGEEEE when I was a kid...

You prob wont get the RAAGGGEEE reference.

For those who don't here's a video where TISM explains it.

@Rimbaud82 Thought you might like.
I'll admit I'm not the biggest Nirvana fan ( I prefer Alice in Chains personally) but I can't take "And all the girls think I'm pretty fly for a white guy." Serious

Pretty sure it's not to be taken seriously.
Bleach has some great songs Blew, About A Girl, Love Buzz, Paper Cuts, Schoff, Swap Meet. Incesticide has gems like Dive and Big Long Now.
I listened to samples of each of the OP embeds, and they all sound too damn weird.

That's the point! Weird is original, because you've never heard it before! Think about it like this: Do you imagine anyone, in human history, has EVER made a musical sound quite like THAT?! NO! Now think about how HARD it is for somebody to create, entirely, a completely new musical sound. Then think about what the chances are that an entire gneration of people would hear that sound and say "yeah! that's exactly how I feel, intangibly!" There is some sort of weird truth and honesty in that weird sound.

Of all the humans that have ever lived, NOBODY else has ever....and I mean EVER.........sounded quite like Nirvana. Let that sink in.
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Of all the humans that have ever lived, NOBODY else has ever....and I mean EVER.........sounded quite like Nirvana. Let that sink in.

What!? It's easy to sound like Nirvana. This is how:


This was my first (and only) distortion pedal bought back in the mid 90's. Open the manual and there is a recommended setting for Territorial Pissings.
I wrote a song about @Agent Mulder's Hair but I wept from it's beauty and accidently smudged all the lyrics :(

That's the point! Weird is original, because you've never heard it before! Think about it like this: Do you imagine anyone, in human history, has EVER made a musical sound quite like THAT?! NO! Now think about how HARD it is for somebody to create, entirely, a completely new musical sound. Then think about what the chances are that an entire gneration of people would hear that sound and say "yeah! that's exactly how I feel, intangibly!" There is some sort of weird truth and honesty in that weird sound.

Of all the humans that have ever lived, NOBODY else has ever....and I mean EVER.........sounded quite like Nirvana. Let that sink in.

Damn you are so insightful Mulder.
I wish I could give this post 1000 likes.

@Deffid @the answer have you guys seen this?
Isnt it the best thing ever?